PS 189M The Magnet School of Inquiry and Expression (K-5)
PS 189M The Magnet School of Inquiry and Expression (K-5)
PS 189M The Magnet School of Inquiry and Expression (K-5)
PS 189 is a magnet elementary school in Manhattan’s Washington Heights with an arts-integrated curriculum that encourages students to explore their creativity through an interdisciplinary approach to education..
About Japan Society School Partnership (JSSP)
Japan Society School Partnership (JSSP) are long-term, multi-year partnerships with a select group of New York City public schools from underserved communities.
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After-School Arts & Culture Programs

Kamishibai Workshop

Manga Workshop

Japan Society School Partnerships are made possible by a generous grant from MetLife Foundation and supported by the United States-Japan Foundation and MUFG Bank, Ltd.

Additional support is provided by Wegmans Astor Place.
Japan Society programs are supported by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature. Education and Family Programs are generously supported by an anonymous donor; ORIX Corporation USA; Mitsubishi Corporation (Americas); public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council; The Masako Mera and Koichi Mera, PhD Fund for Education and the Arts; The Norinchukin Foundation; Ms. Tomoko Hamada-Dougan; and Family and Education Circle members.