Okinawa, the Birthplace of Karate
Explore the philosophical principles of karate through the true Okinawan masters. Originating in Okinawa, karate has become an international sport for both the spirit and the body. To native Okinawans, karate is known to involve both spirit and discipline, creating a well-rounded human being together with the martial art. Master Choko Kyuna, Chairman of The Society for the Advancement of Traditional Okinawa Karate, leads this lecture program, which includes a live demonstration by masters of four distinguished Okinawa karate styles.
This event originally took place on November 7, 2015. Learn about upcoming talks at Japan Society.
Okinawan Vibes Talks+ Programs were co-organized by Okinawa prefectural government. In the 2015-2016 Season, Talks+ Programs at Japan Society were generously sponsored by Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG). United Airlines was the exclusive U.S. Airlines sponsor of Talks+ Programs at Japan Society. Additional support was provided by Chris A. Wachenheim and the Sandy Heck Lecture Fund.