Japanese Language Lesson 7: To give & To Receive

In this lesson you will learn 2 very useful Japanese verbs “agemasu” – to give and “moraimasu” – to receive. Proper sentence structure will also be covered, adding places, people and time to the sentence.


 to giveagemasuあげます
 to receivemoraimasuもらいます
 tomorrowashita  あした明日
 day after tomorrowasatteあさって明後日
 day before yesterdayototoiおととい一昨日
 japanese booknihon no honにほんのほん日本の本

Sentence structure:

Subject + wa (particle) + Time (day of the week) + Person + ni (particle) + adjective + noun (object) + o (particle for “object”) + verb (agemasu / moraimasu)


Suzuki san wa ototoi tomodachi ni takai tokei o agemashita

すずきさん は おととい ともだち に たかい とけい を あげました

The day before yesterday Suzuki san gave an expensive watch to his friend.