Name a Seat Campaign

Name a Seat

Innovative programming calls for space to move! Make a permanent impression on the Japan Society community! Dedicate a seat of your choosing in our historic auditorium. A prominently inscribed plaque can honor a friend, a loved one or a major milestone and inspire generations to come.

Our historic auditorium is host to approximately 200 events annually that inspire and inform thousands, including cutting-edge theater, music and dance performances, cultural and culinary inspirations from the prefectures, the latest in Japanese cinema and programs covering what’s current in business and global policy that affects the relationship between the United States and Japan.

For questions, please call (212) 715-1270 or email [email protected].

Naming Opportunities

Platinum – $10,000
Rows F-J, Seats 6-14
Gold – $5,000
Rows F-J, Seats 1-5; 15-19
Silver – $2,500
Rows D-E & K-0
Bronze – $1,500
Rows A-C

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is my contribution to Name a Seat tax-deductible?

    Yes, no goods or services will be provided in exchange for donations or naming a seat. These contributions will be fully tax-deductible within the limits of federal and state laws.

  • What are the guidelines for the plaque?

    One plaque will be prominently displayed on each named seat. Inscriptions are text only, up to 23 characters per line (including spaces) and up to 3 lines of text. Inscriptions may feature English, Japanese, or a combination (Japanese characters may take more space than English letters). You will be notified if adjustments must be made to your plaque inscription.

  • Will I be able to sit in my seat(s) during performances?

    Naming a seat does not include tickets or the rights to sit in the named seat(s) during events/performances held in the auditorium. However, many of our performances are general admission and you may have the opportunity to sit in your seat if you arrive early.

  • How long will my seat be named?

    Your plaque will remain in place for the life of the chair installed, until any future capital improvements are made to the auditorium seating.

  • Which seats will be removed from the auditorium, how frequently, and why?

    Rows A through C have the potential to be moved out of the auditorium most frequently, while Rows D, E and O will be removed only occasionally. These rows have been designed to provide greater flexibility for our visiting artists, speakers and presenters, and can accommodate a broad range of performance needs. This new arrangement will enable some seats to be removed from the auditorium when these performances require flexible space. Seats will be placed back in their proper rows once the event or the performance concludes. Seats in Rows F through N are permanently installed and will not be removed.