Whither the Suga Administration—A Conversation with Gerald Curtis & Takenaka Heizo

Wednesday, September 16, 9—10:00 AM EDT Calculate your local time
Following Prime Minister Abe Shinzo’s abrupt decision to resign, Diet members and representatives of Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), meeting on September 14th, chose Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga Yoshihide as its president. Mr. Suga will be elected prime minister in an extraordinary Diet session on September 16th. Since Prime Minister Suga will serve out the remainder of Prime Minister Abe’s term as party president, there will be another party election next September. What does Prime Minister Suga need to do to win a regular three year term as party leader 12 months from now and continue as the nation’s prime minister? When is he likely to call for a lower house election? What specific policies are likely to be at the top of his agenda? How will Japan’s politics evolve in the post-Abe era? In this webinar, two leading experts offer their insights into the current landscape of Japanese politics, the prospects for domestic and foreign policy under the new administration, and implications for U.S.-Japan relations.
Gerald Curtis, Burgess Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Columbia University; Chairman, Maureen and Mike Mansfield Foundation; Core Faculty, Center on Japanese Economy and Business, Columbia Business School; Distinguished Research Fellow, Tokyo Foundation for Policy Research; Member of the Board of Directors, Japan Society
Heizo Takenaka, Professor Emeritus, Keio University; Professor, Toyo University; Member of the Policy Council under the Abe administration; former Minister of State for Internal Affairs and Communication and for Economic and Fiscal Policy in the Koizumi administration
9—10:00 AM | Discussion and Q&A |
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For more information, please contact the Business and Policy Program at 212-715-1208 or email [email protected].
- Wednesday, September 16, 2020
- 9:00 am