Uki Uki NihonGO! Lesson 38 – Asking Someone Out

Today we’ll learn various ways to invite someone.
Let’s say you want to invite your friend, Kaori, to go see a movie this weekend. Most likely, this is how the dialogue will go.
かおりさん、今週末、ダウンタウンでFinding Doryを見ませんか?(Kaori-san, konshuumatsu, dauntaun de Faindingu Doorii wo mimasenka?)
あ、いいですね!行きましょう。(A, ii desune! Ikimashou.)
いつ頃行きましょうか。(Itsugoro ikimashouka?)
そうですね。土曜日の3時ごろはどうですか?(Sou desune. Doyoubi no sanji goro wa dou desuka?)
あ、すみません、3時はちょっと…。(A, sumimasen, sanji wa chotto…)
じゃあ、6時はどうですか?(Jaa, rokuji wa dou desuka?)
いいですね。(Ii desune.)
1. 〜ませんか (…masenka?) Would you like to…?/Do you want to…?/Why don’t we…?
Ask this to find out if the other person is available or interested in joining you.
この近くでコーヒーでも飲みませんか? (Kono chikaku de koohii demo nomimasenka?) Would you like to have coffee or something around here?
ちょっと休憩しませんか? (Chotto kyuukei shimasenka?) Why don’t we take a quick break?
クッキーを焼いたんですけど、食べませんか? (Kukkii o yaitan desu kedo, tabemasenka?) I baked some cookes. Do you want to try some?
An affirmative response is いいですね! (Ii desune!) Sounds good!
If you have to say no, be sure to do it tactfully and diplomatically so you don’t hurt the other person’s feeling. Try to sound and look apologetic.
ああ、すみません、土曜日はちょっと… (Aa, sumimasen, doyoubi wa chotto…) I’m so sorry, but Saturday is a bit difficult for me.
ああ、すみません、3時はちょっと… (Aa, sumimasen, sanji wa chotto…) I’m terribly sorry, but 3pm is going to be rather tough.
ああ、すみません、お酒はちょっと… (Aa, sumimasen, osake wa chotto…) I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I can’t really drink alcohol.
The Japanese sentence are deliberately left incomplete to soften the impact of your negative response.
2. 〜ましょう (…mashou) Let’s…!
Use this once it’s established that you are doing something together.
クラスの時間になりましたので、始めましょう。(Kurasu no jikan ni narimashita node, hajimemashou.) It’s class time. Let’s begin.
あ、田中さんが来ました。では、レストランに入りましょう!(A, Tanaka-san ga kimashita. Dewa, resutoran ni hairimashou!) Oh, here comes Mr. Tanaka. Let’s go into the restaurant.
この問題は難しいですね。明日、先生に聞きましょう。(Kono mondai wa muzukashii desune. Ashita, sensei ni kikimashou.) This question is difficult. Let’s ask our teacher tomorrow.
3. 〜ましょうか (…mashouka) Shall we…?
This is typically paired up with quetions words (e.g. what, where, when, who, how, what time, etc.)
何時に会いましょうか。(Nanji ni aimashouka.) What time shall we meet?
どの映画館に行きましょうか。(Dono eigakan ni ikimashouka.) Which movie theatre shall we go to?
カラオケ、他に誰を呼びましょうか。(Karaoke, hokani dare o yobimashouka.) Who else shall we invite to Karaoke?
4. 〜はどうですか? (How about…?)
You can use this with pretty much anything.
カラオケ、来週の火曜日はどうですか?(Karaoke, raishuu no kayoubi wa dou desuka?) As for Karaoke, how about next Tuesday?
ゲストスピーカーは、吉田さんはどうですか?(Gesuto supiikaa wa, Yoshida-san wa dou desuka?) For the guest speaker, how about Yoshida-san?
デザートは、抹茶アイスクリームはどうですか?(Dezaato wa, maccha aisu kuriimu wa dou desuka?) For the dessert, how about matcha ice cream?
- June 23, 2016 – June 23, 2016