The Warped Ones (Kyonetsu no kisetsu)

"A stunning huff of cinematic fumes that will leave your veins ringing with raw, dirty jazz. Tamio Kawachi delivers a once-in-a-lifetime performance." – The New York Sun
Friday, November 9
7:30 pm
1960, 75 min., 35mm, b&w. Directed by Koreyoshi Kurahara.
Akira, a jazz-crazy delinquent wreaks twisted revenge on the reporter who sent him to the reformatory, beginning with the rape of his fiance. After learning the woman is pregnant with his child, Akira discovers his actions do have consequences: sometimes violent, fatal, and absurd.
Released shortly after Godard’s Breathless, The Warped Ones (aka Season of Heat and The Weird Lovemakers) has similarly amoral characters, frenetic pace, and narrative structure. Among director Kurahara’s boldest departures from studio convention, his vision is more extreme– even to the point of existing in a world beyond normal comprehension.
Tickets: $10/$7 Japan Society members, seniors & students ($4.50 student tickets have sold out). Purchase tickets online below or call the Box Office at (212) 715-1258.
http://www.localhost:10053/events/images/but_members.gif | http://www.localhost:10053/events/images/but_non_members.gif |
- Friday, November 9, 2007
- 7:30 pm