The Tale of Genji in Word & Image

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Thursday, October 18, 7 PM
Written in the 11th century by the Japanese noblewoman Murasaki Shikibu, The Tale of Genji is a masterpiece of prose and poetry widely considered the world’s first novel. While following the amorous pursuits of its hero, the radiant Genji, the text offers valuable insights into the society and culture of Japan’s classical era. In this talk Dr. Melissa McCormick, Professor of Japanese Art and Culture at Harvard University, provides an introduction to the tale and its captivating visual world, focusing on the paintings and calligraphy of the 16th-century Genji Album in the Harvard Art Museums, the subject of her new publication, The Tale of Genji: A Visual Companion. Moderated by Dr. Monika Bincsik, Assistant Curator in the Department of Asian Art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Followed by a book signing reception.
The Tale of Genji: A Visual Companion will be available for purchase at a special pre-publication sale.
Tickets: $15/$12 members, seniors & students
- Thursday, October 18, 2018
- 7:00 pm