Shakuhachi Marathon with Akihito Obama

March 2, 2013
past event image
Workshops past event

Rising young shakuhachi star Akihito Obama, who has studied various styles of shakuhachi from the most traditional techniques to min-yo, or folk, and contemporary shakuhachi, offers a full day of workshops plus demonstrations for players of all levels.
Beginner Session: 10 am–12 pm
Learn the basic techniques of sound production and fingering

Advanced Session (traditional): 12:30 pm–2:30 pm
Practice complex techniques through musical selections from the classic honkyoku repertoire

Advanced Session (min-yo, folk music/contemporary): 3pm–5 pm
Learn new techniques for min-yo and contemporary music

Beginner session is open to anyone; advanced sessions are open to anyone with more than two years of experience. Participants in any of the three sessions may observe the other session at no additional cost. A limited number of instruments are available for rental, please call (212) 715-1220 to reserve an instrument. Max 15 participants per session.

$35/$30 Japan Society members
ADVANCED SESSION PASS: $10 OFF your purchase of tickets to both advanced sessions

Buy tickets below or call the Japan Society Box Office at (212) 715-1258, Mon. – Fri. 11 am – 6 pm, Weekends 11 am – 5 pm. (Note: ADVANCED SESSION PASS only available by calling or visiting the Box Office.)

Beginners workshop:

Advanced workshop (traditional):

Advanced workshop (min-yo, folk music/contemporary):

Observer tickets may be available for this workshop after regular tickets have sold out.

  • March 2, 2013 – March 2, 2013