Sanctions & Remedies: Securities Law Enforcement at the SEC

November 9, 2005
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past event

Wednesday, November 9
Corporate Luncheon
12 – 2 pm

Read the Event Summary.

Linda Chatman Thomsen, Director, Division of Enforcement, United States Securities and Exchange Commission

Merit E. Janow, Professor, Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs and Columbia Law School

The Securities and Exchange Commission has championed stiffer sanctions for violations of the federal securities laws in recent years. In addition to preventive or forward-looking remedies, the SEC has obtained judgments providing for over $2 billion in civil penalties to punish wrongdoers and deter others from committing similar violations.  These penalties reflect the proliferation of wide-ranging, large scale frauds including Enron, Worldcom, Tyco and Adelphia, involving billions in ill-gotten gains and investor losses.   Linda Chatman Thomsen, Director of the Division of Enforcement, will discuss the SEC’s authority to impose sanctions and the range of remedies available to the Commission today.  She will explain the purposes and effectiveness of different sanctions and remedies as well as her expectations regarding future trends in the SEC’s remedial actions.

12-12:30 pm  Registration & reception
12:30 – 1  Luncheon
1 – 2  Lecture

Admission: Corporate members are entitled to a designated number of free admissions to this event, based on their company’s current membership level. These reservations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the event. Additional corporate registrants and Japan Society individual members at the Patron level and above pay the discounted corporate member rate of $45 for lunch and lecture, $10 for lecture only. Nonmember admission: $65 for lunch and lecture, $15 lecture only.  When payment is required, prepayment must be made, or registration secured, with a credit card. All registrations and cancellations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the event. Substitutions are welcome.

  • Wednesday, November 9, 2005
  • 12:00 pm