Not Held at Japan Society – Japan, APEC, and East Asian Economic Cooperation at Columbia U.

February 14, 2005
past event image
past event

The Mitsui USA Foundation, The Center on Japanese Economy and Business, and APEC Study Center, Columbia University cordially invite you to attend:

Japan, APEC, and East Asian Economic Cooperation
Monday, February 14
4 – 6 pm (Reception to Follow)

Held at Kellogg Conference Center, International Affairs Building, Columbia University, 420 West 118th Street, 15th Floor

Takatoshi Ito, Professor, Graduate School of Economics and Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Tokyo
Peter Drysdale, Emeritus Professor of Economics
Visiting Fellow in Policy and Governance in the Asia Pacific School of Economics and Government, The Australian National University

Merit Janow,
Professor in the Practice of International Economic Law and International Affairs, SIPA, Co-Director, APEC Study Center, Columbia University
Hugh Patrick, Director,  Center on Japanese Economy and Business, Co-Director, APEC Study Center, Columbia University

David Weinstein,
Carl S. Shoup Professor of the Japanese Economy, Department of Economics, Columbia University

Advance Registration REQUIRED.

To register, please email [email protected] or go to

  • Monday, February 14, 2005
  • 4:00 pm