Not Held at Japan Society – Big Dance Theater’s The Other Here

Wednesday–Saturday, September 19–22 &
Tuesday–Saturday, September 25–29 at 7:30 pm
Layered with the company’s fearless fusion of dance, music and visual design, The Other Here collides the rural stories of Japanese novelist Masuji Ibuse (1898–1993) with a global conference of life insurance salespeople. Okinawan pop music and re-inventions of traditional dance punctuate this juxtaposition of master and servant, pop and ancient, East and West. Created by Paul Lazar and Annie-B Parson, Takeshi Kata (set design), Jennifer Tipton (lighting design) and Peter Flaherty (video design), The Other Here also features sound and costumes by long time Big Dance Theater designers Jane Shaw and Claudia Stephens. Veteran Big Dance Theater members Paul Lazar and Molly Hickok are at the center of the six-member ensemble.
This performance is a part of Turning Japanese, a city-wide celebration commemorating Japan Society’s Centennial.
Tickets: $25/$15 students, seniors & artists
- September 19, 2007 – September 22, 2007