Nihongo Chat

Event full; to be added to the waitlist, please click Waitlist and fill out the form.
Tuesday, July 23, 6:00-7:30 pm ET | 7月 23日(火)、午後6:00~7:30(アメリカ東部時間)
PLEASE NOTE: This free event will be conducted in-person at Japan Society in NYC. 今回のイベントはニューヨーク市内に所在するジャパン・ソサエティーで行われます。
Join Japanese-language students and native Japanese speakers/English learners at this informal language exchange to practice speaking in Japanese and English. We will divide into groups by level to chat. Levels include beginner, intermediate, and advanced. 日本に興味のある人たちや日本語を勉強中の人たちと気軽に会話を楽しみましょう。日本語、英語のレベル別にグループに分かれて語学交換を行います。日本人の方、英語を勉強中の方、ふるってご参加ください!
Participants must have at least basic conversational Japanese skills (see RSVP form for details). This event is designed for adults aged 18 and above. 18歳以上の方であれば、どなたでもお申し込みいただけます。
Admission: This is a free event, with advance RSVP required. 参加費は無料ですが、事前のお申し込みが必要です。
In-Person Events
Japan Society strongly encourages everyone entering the building to be up to date on COVID-19 vaccines, including any boosters for which they are eligible. Participants do not need to provide proof of vaccination and booster. ビルにお越しの際は、事前に現時点で接種可能なCOVID-19のワクチンを全て受けていただくようお勧めします。尚、ワクチン接種の証明書の持参は必要ございません。
Masks, particularly respirator-style (KN95, N95, KF94, etc.), are strongly recommended but are no longer required. A mask can be provided at the Welcome Desk upon request. マスク着用義務が緩和されましたが、ジャパン・ソサエティーのビル内ではマスク着用(特にKN95、N95、KF94などの感染予防に対応する医療用マスク)を強くお勧めします。マスクを希望する方は入り口付近のデスクにて提供しております。
Questions? Please contact [email protected] or (212) 715-1269 or (212) 715-1293.
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation. Your gift enables our continued development of innovative programs, keeping the spirit of arts, culture and language alive.
Japan Society programs are made possible by leadership support from Booth Ferris Foundation and the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature. Support for Japan Society’s Language Center is provided, in part, by Mark F. Goldfield and Mary E. Hatch; Christopher Hong; Steven Giordano; and Dr. Bic Kanayjorn.

- Tuesday, July 23, 2024
- 6:00 pm
- In-Person Event
- Free Event
This event is full.