JVC Tokyo Video Festival

Founded in 1978, the JVC-sponsored Tokyo Video Festival (TVF) is now the largest international video competition in Japan, gathering 40,000 works from 90 countries worldwide. The festival is open to amateurs and professionals for short and feature films, documentaries and fiction. Here is a selection from TVF 2008. www.jvc-victor.co.jp/english/tvf.
Total running time 90 min.
Hansel’s Moon Town
2007, 10 min. Directed by Yuri Nakadaira.
Hansel learns the importance of people supporting one another no matter how poor their lives may be. An old man who once went to the moon decides to return there when he runs out of food and begins climbing walls to get into the sky.
Blue Sky, Night Sky, Starry Sky
2007, 13:50 min. Directed by Yu Katasumata.
At the end of a summer vacation, Kouda declares her love to her classmate Iizuka, leaving Riri, Kouda’s best friend, alone. Only the starry night sky alleviates Riri’s loneliness.
The Dandelion Sister (Tanpopo no ane)
2007, 20 min. Directed by Yusuke Sakamoto.
This clay animation delicately portrays the complex psychology between two sisters. The younger sister has two concerns–her inability to draw pictures and her fear of her elder sister. One incident leads them to reconciliation.
Mutual Link
2007, 5:15 min. Directed by Xiangyu Meng.
An artistic work in which everyday life scenes are captured in various ways, linking together real and virtual space. This experimental video uses CG effects showing everyday activities in the facets of a hexahedron.
The Last Chapter
2007, 20 min. Directed by Makiko Ishihara.
Based on a memoir written by the filmmaker’s late father, who had estranged himself from the rest of his family, this documentary portrays her feelings toward her father while she tries to understand him through her Canadian and Japanese heritage.
Why Didn’t the Hero Appear in The Iraq War?
2007, 20 min. Directed by Tsuyoshi Ishii.
A documentary-like drama about the everyday life of Chocker, a villain in an SFX live-action film.
Free Admission
- Saturday, July 12, 2008
- 1:15 pm