Japan Goes Global: History & Impact of International Exchange

December 7, 2019
past event image
Educators past event
Professional Development Course

This 30-hour, five-session professional development course examines historical experiences in Japan with particular focus on foreign exchange throughout its history. Divided over five interactive sessions, this professional development course provides participants with the resources and skills to create and refine lesson plans for the middle and high school classroom. Some key content to be explored includes the origin of Japanese people, early relationship with neighboring Asian countries, Japan’s early contacts with European countries and changing foreign policy during the Age of Exploration, the modernization of Japan in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the development of Japanese imperialism, and Japan’s postwar role as a peaceful economic and cultural superpower.

Two P-credit and/or 30 hour CTLE credit are available from the NYC Department of Education for NYC in-service teachers. To receive PD credit, participants must also register for this course on the ASPDP website.

Full course registration: $125/$110 Japan Society members (Please use "REGISTER" button above)
A la carte registration: $35/$30 members (Current educators are prioritized for registration)

$125 or $110 stipend will be provided for NYC in-service teachers upon completion of P-credit course.
$125 or $110 stipend available for teachers who serve in NJ and CT schools (required to participate in all 5 sessions).

Course Schedule:

Session 1: Ancient Japan: Relationship with China and Korea (Register →)
Saturday, October 5, 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM

  • Peopling of Japan
    Theories of migrations from Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia will be introduced with consideration of archeological, linguistic, and genetic evidence in understanding Japan’s premodern history. The course also includes examination of the archeological relationship with the Korean peninsula, as well as spoken and written language in relationship with Southeast Asia and China.
  • Classical Japan: Nara Period (710-794) and Heian Period (794-1185)
    Session will introduce participants to classical Japan, and how direct contact with China’s Tang and Song dynasties played a pivotal role in Japan’s development. Key topics include the exchange between China and Japan in the Nara and Heian periods through Japanese delegations to China (Buddhist Missions) and the complex cultural influence of China on the development of Japan’s political system, language, and religious practices.

Session 2: Medieval and Early Modern Japan: Encounter with Mongol Empire and Europe (Register →)
Saturday, October 19, 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM

  • Kamakura Period (1192-1333) and Pre Modern Periods
    In this morning session, participants will examine the political rise of the warrior (samurai) class with particular focus on how two attempted invasions by the Mongol Empire influenced Japan’s domestic policies. The course also includes how Japan responded to early contacts with Europeans (Portugal and Spain) and how the introduction of Christianity influenced Japan’s domestic politics, arts and culture.
  • Age of Global Explorations and Isolation in Tokugawa Period (1603-1868)
    The afternoon session will introduce participants to Japan’s seclusion during the Age of Exploration and examine reasons for restricting contact with foreign countries during the early Tokugawa Period. Participants will then examine how global pressures and increased contact in the 19th century helped open Japan to the world through the lens of surging imperialism.

Session 3: Modern Japan: Beginning of US-Japan Relationship to WWII (Register →)
Saturday, November 2, 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM

  • Beginning of the US-Japan Relationship — Meiji Period (1868-1912)
    Participants will examine Japan’s growing influence on the international stage during the Meiji period with particular focus on the relationship between the United States and Japan. Key topics include the rise of Japanese imperialism, Japan’s connections to other Asian neighbors, and the economic growth and prosperity of Japan within the global economy.
  • Showa Japan: Foreign Relations and World War II
    Participants will explore the early Showa period in Japan, with a particular focus on political and foreign policy leading into WWII. Participants will consider and compare different perspectives of imperialism, Japan-U.S political negotiations during this period, and the events of the Asia-Pacific War.

Session 4: Post-War Japan (Register →)
Saturday, November 9, 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM

  • Post-War Japan: Occupation and Recovery
    Participants will examine Japan at the end of World War II. The session also prepares participants to teach the occupation of Japan, its democratization under the guidance of the US, and how Japanese society was impacted by this relationship. Key topics to be covered include US impact on the Japanese Constitution, Occupation policies designed to create “democratization,” and the rebuilding of the US-Japan relationship.
  • Rapid Economic Growth and Decline
    Participants will examine Japan’s post-war economic boom and the impact of foreign relations on its economy during the Cold War, Vietnam and Korean Wars, as well as through the 1964 Summer Games. The session will also explore Japan’s period of economic stagnation, known as the “Lost Decade” (1991-2000) in which economic growth abruptly ended and whose consequences Japanese policymakers continue to grapple with.

Session 5: Contemporary Japan and Global Relations (Register →)
Saturday, December 7, 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM

  • Contemporary Japan and Its Foreign policy
    Participants will explore key developments in Japanese international relations from 1989 (the end of the Cold War) to the present. Key topics will include the use of Japanese defense forces in overseas conflicts, continued use of Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution, and the influence of energy policies on Japanese international relations during this era.
  • US-Japan Alliance — A Case Study: “Operation Tomodachi”
    Operation Tomodachi was a United States Armed Forces (especially U.S. Forces Japan) assistance operation to support Japan in disaster relief following the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami. In this afternoon session, Matthew Freely, PhD., a former Navy captain who engaged in the operation, will share his case study and personal story from the devastation and introduce the process of US-Japan coordinated relief efforts.
  • Saturday, December 7, 2019
  • 9:30 am