Japan 1600-1900:
From Shogunate to Global Power
March 13, 20, & 27
May 7, 15, & 22
All Sessions 9 AM — 4 PM
36-hour professional development course for grade 6-12 educators in cooperation with the NYC Department of Education
After School Professional Development Program
From 1600-1900, Japan underwent an amazing transformation from a relatively isolated, fragmented land to a modern nation central to the development of world events, along the way producing some of the most important works of art and literature of the era. Regarding Japan from 1600-1900, teachers will know: 1) principle competing historical narratives; 2) why this period is essential to understanding early modern/modern global history; 3) important works of literature, theater, and visual arts; 4) how to incorporate this knowledge into existing global history, ELA, or art related classes.
Non-credit $125;
3P credit ASPDP Course Fee $125, Registration Fee $100
(register for 3P credit at http://schools.nyc.gov/teachers/aspdp).
Both credit and non-credit participants must fill out the Japan Society Registration Form (PDF).
This course is also open to the general public.
For the general public and non-K-12 educators: $140
For Japan Society members: $125
Buy Tickets Online or call the Japan Society Box Office at (212) 715-1258, Mon. – Fri. 11 am – 6 pm, Weekends 11 am – 5 pm.
For more information, please call Education Programs at (212) 715-1275. 3P credit is available from the NYC Department of Education After School Professional Development Program.
- Sunday, May 15, 2011
- 9:00 am