Improvisation, Creativity, Collaboration: Fueling Innovation in the 21st Century

March 28, 2008
past event image
past event

Held at MCG Jazz in Pittsburgh.

What can jazz and "right brain" qualities like empathy and playfulness teach us about improvisation, collaboration and innovation? In today’s competitive world, premiums are being placed on people with the ability to reframe problems, improvise and incorporate joy into their work. This event brings together multidisciplinary leaders–from business, and the arts, as well as social entrepreneurs–from Japan and the U.S., who are members of the U.S.-Japan Innovators Network, for a provocative exploration in conversation and music on the themes of collaboration, joy and creative problem-solving in the 21st century.
Followed by a reception. “Many Cultures: Once Voice” celebration concert to follow reception.


Marty Ashby, producer of four GRAMMY® Award-winning albums, and Executive Producer of MCG Jazz, a social enterprise supporting the programs of the Manchester Craftsmen’s Guild (MCG), a minority-directed nonprofit arts and learning organization.
Anthony Brown, percussionist, composer, educator, ethnomusicologist and leader of the Anthony Brown Orchestra.
Daniel H. Pink, author of the acclaimed bestsellers A Whole New Mind and Free Agent Nation, is a Contributing Editor at Wired and has written on work, business and politics for the The New York Times, Harvard Business Review, Fast Company and other media.
Hiroshi Tasaka, Professor at Tama University and President of Thinktank SophiaBank, has authored over 40 books on the philosophy of working, management theory, business strategy, the Internet revolution and knowledge society, as well as paradigm shifts in human society.
Alan Webber, Founding Editor of Fast Company Magazine, writes and speaks about the evolving global economy, as well as the changing social and political climate.

Tickets:  Symposium and reception are free, but reservations are necessary. Stay with us for the post-reception performance of "Many Cultures, One Voice" featuring Monty Alexander and Anthony Brown. Symposium attendees receive a $5 discount on regularly priced tickets! Please contact MCG Jazz box office at (412) 322-0800 or e-mail: [email protected].

  • Friday, March 28, 2008
  • 4:30 pm