Martha Stewart: A Passion for Making a Home

November 14, 2007
past event image
past event

Exhibition Talk
Wednesday, November 14
6:30 pm

This event is SOLD OUT.

From cooking, gardening and entertaining to interior design and home decorating, Martha Stewart has made a career of helping people make their own style of living more beautiful and practical. Stewart has transformed the once utilitarian and mundane realm of home making into an art form and her dedication to making homes across the world sanctuaries of the highest aesthetic order is legendary. In this program, held in conjunction with the Japan Society Gallery exhibition Making a Home; Japanese Contemporary Artists in New York (Oct. 5, 2007 through Jan. 13, 2008), Stewart speaks about her life-long passion for “making a house a home” and about her interest in Japan and Japanese art and art forms.

Followed by a reception.

Tickets: $20/$15 Japan Society members, $12 seniors & students. 

  • Wednesday, November 14, 2007
  • 6:30 pm