2-DAY SYMPOSIUM Designing the Future: Japan’s Tech Revolution

June 8, 2007
past event image
past event

Friday, June 8 & Saturday, June 9

Japan is at the forefront of unprecedented emerging technological innovation. This symposium highlights the latest design trends in Japan’s technological revolution and how they impact everyday life and the future of mobility as a whole, featuring automobiles, robotics, gadgets and architecture–the areas in which Japan continues to excel. Leading designers and new talents from Japan and abroad, design experts, and critics consider the challenge of designing innovative products with broad consumer appeal, and how innovations and creativity will help shape the future. Designing the Future includes a keynote address, concert, reception, panel discussion and full-day symposium. This program offers an unusual opportunity for experts and the general public to learn about the innovative working methods and design philosophies of some of the most creative designers in the world today.


Friday, June 8:

11:30 am – 2:30 pm
Corporate Luncheon
A Customer-Driven Corporate Perspective

6:30 pm
Keynote Dialogue:”Envisioning the Future of Design”

8 pm
High-Tech Concert

Saturday, June 9:

10 am – 5 pm
Panel Discussions on Technology & Design

Tickets for Designing the Future: Japan’s Tech Revolution

6/8 & 9 Entire symposium: $90/$75 members/$45 students.  Full symposium pass:


6/8 Keynote & concert, and 6/9 symposium: $80/$70 members/$40 students.  6/8 and 6/9 pass:


6/8 Panel discussion only: $15/$10 members/$8 students
6/8 Keynote address & concert only: $20/$15 members/$10 students
6/9 Saturday symposium only: $65/$60 members/$35 students

Japan Society Corporate members receive a special discount for the June 8 panel discussion. Please contact Tomoko Okuno at [email protected] or (212) 715-1247 for details.

  • June 8, 2007 – June 9, 2007