17th Contemporary Dance Showcase: Japan + East Asia

January 7, 2017
past event image
past event

Fri., Jan. 6, 7:30 PM (Followed by a MetLife Meet-the-Artists Reception)
Sat., Jan. 7, 7:30 PM

The 17th installment of this wintertime favorite event places a focus on duos! The evening features the following artists:

 In JJbro’s Jimmy & Jack, narration guides this kinetic story of two boys coming into their own.

[Korea, North American Premiere]

 Co. Un Yamada offers an original interpretation to Igor Stravinsky’s famed composition Les Noces (The Wedding).

[Japan, North American Premiere]

 B DANCE‘s muscular and fluid Hugin/Munin, choreographed by Po-Cheng Tsai, draws inspiration from Norse mythology.

[Taiwan, North American Premiere]

 In Theatre‘s Tschüss!! Bunny, choreographed by Yen-Cheng Liu, offers a whimsical perspective on themes of death and rebirth.

[Taiwan, North American Premiere]

 Movements by choreographer/dancer Akiko Kitamura morph under the audiovisual architecture of media alchemist Navid Navab (Canada).

[Japan, World American Premiere]

TICKETS: $30/$25 Japan Society members.

APAP Presenters: Please call (212) 715-1220 for industry reservations. Tickets are limited and not guaranteed until confirmed.

Box Office Policy

17th Contemporary Dance Showcase sneak preview

17th Contemporary Dance Showcase is supported by Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture), The Japan Foundation, the Ministry of Culture, R.O.C. (Taiwan) and the Taipei Cultural Center of TECO in New York. Jimmy & Jack is supported by the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sports of the Korean Government and Korea Arts Management Service with additional assistance provided by SIDance.

http://www.localhost:10053/resources/legacy/event/uploaded/images/ArtsCouncilTokyo_logo_2.jpg  http://www.localhost:10053/resources/legacy/event/uploaded/images/JPNF_small_1.jpg              

MetLife Meet-the-Artists Reception support is provided by MetLife Foundation.

Images, top to bottom: © OK Sangheon; © Naoshi Hattori, courtesy of Aichi Arts Center; © Yi-shu Chen; © Chang-Chin Chen; © Horiyasu Daido.

  • Saturday, January 7, 2017
  • 7:30 pm