Kampo: Ancient Holistic Remedies for the Modern World

October 25, 2017 - October 25, 2017
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past event

Wednesday, October 25, 6:30 PM

Kampo, or Japanese herbal medicine, has its roots in the traditional Chinese concepts of yin and yang, chi and the five elements. Imported to Japan in the fifth century, the medicinal art of kampo then developed independently, incorporating new methods and making use of indigenous plants. Today, there are over 200 kampo recipes, which are used to treat a wide variety of conditions. Kampo practitioner Dr. Yuko Nozaki, founder of Ido Holistic Center, joins us to reveal the history, practice and uses of these herbal formulas in Japan and the world today. Moderated by herbalist Karen Rose, founder of Sacred Vibes Apothecary. Followed by a reception.

$14/$11 Japan Society members, seniors & students

Box Office Policy

  • Oct 25, 2017 at 6:30 pm