Caturday Craft Day
May 16, 2015
Workshops past event
Session One: 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Session Two: 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Maneki neko, known as the “beckoning cat”, is believed to bring luck and fortune to those who own it. For Caturday Craft Day, see the exhibition and be inspired to create Edo period or modern patterns and motifs to decorate your own maneki neko! Artist-educator Luned Palmer leads this program with her sample maneki nekos. Cat base, paint and pens are provided. We encourage you to bring your own favorite kitty stickers, stamps or textiles to add a personal touch. Ticket includes gallery admission. No experience necessary.
Sessions One & Two are the same program but at different times.
Tickets: $40/$35 Japan Society members, seniors & students
- Saturday, May 16, 2015
- 3:00 pm