09-09-2024 | Basil Twist’s “Dogugaeshi,” and More Exhilarating Theatre from Abroadく | The New Yorker | English |
08-30-2024 | Voice – Camphor Tree Village #7 Joshua Walkerく | Voice | English |
08-24-2024 | マクドナルド公認の「ワクドナルド」!?NYで日本人漫画家が魅せる実力 「MANGA」は確立したジャンルにく | FNNプライムオンライン | Japanese |
08-23-2024 | 北米のマンガ賞で坂本眞一「#DRCL midnight children」が“Best New Manga”受賞く | コミックナタリー | Japanese |
08-22-2024 | Hyperallergic Fall 2024 New York Art Guideく | Hyperallergic | English |
08-22-2024 | ジャパン・ソサエティー(JS)ギャラリーの新たな展開。新ディレクターが見据える未来く | 美術手帖ウェブ | Japanese |
08-02-2024 | ジャパンカッツ 藤 竜也さんインタビュー in NYく | Fujisankei Communications International | Japanese |
07-21-2024 | 藤竜也82歳、英語で約3分間スピーチ 観客の笑い誘う ニューヨークで功労賞に輝く | 日テレニュース | Japanese |
07-20-2024 | 藤竜也、NYのジャパン・カッツで生涯功労賞受賞「この場所に来られとてもうれしい」 | The Hollywood Reporter Japan | Japanese |
07-20-2024 | ニューヨークの受賞式での藤竜也さんの英語スピーチが素晴らしい | 愛のコリーダや大いなる不在の藤竜也さん生涯功労賞受賞 | 北米最大日本映画祭ジャパンカッツ | Yuco NEW YORK | Japanese |
07-19-2024 | Articles: Moving | Screen Slate | English |
07-17-2024 | Articles: Shadow of Fire | Screen Slate | English |
07-16-2024 | 国立劇場×トトロ美術監督 文楽とアニメ、今秋米国でコラボ | 毎日新聞 | Japanese |
07-14-2024 | Articles: August in Water | Screen Slate | English |
07-12-2024 | Shunga Might Just Convince You That Pornography Is Art | Hyperallergic | English |
07-11-2024 | There’s Something for Everyone at This Year’s Japan Cuts | Hyperallergic | English |
07-10-2024 | “Japan Cuts 2024” festival overview | Criterion’s The Daily | English |
07-09-2024 | Japan Cuts 2024: 5 Must-See Movies at North America’s Largest Japanese Film Fest | Indiewire | English |
07-09-2024 | NYで「日本酒と和食、さらにその先へ」 日本酒の魅力・ペアリングを紹介 | ニューヨーク経済新聞 | Japanese |
07-08-2024 | 8 Films to See at Japan Cuts 2024 | The Film Stage | English |
07-08-2024 | Japan Cuts Film Festival Offers The Best In Modern Japanese Cinema | Forbes.com | English |
07-06-2024 | JAPAN CUTS 2024 日本映画31本を上映 | NY Shukan Seikatsu | Japanese |
06-10-2024 | Japan Cuts Film Festival Screens ‘Bottle George’ Animated Short, Shin Godzilla: Orthochromatic Film | Asian News Network | English |
06-06-2024 | Japan Society Presents The 17th Annual Japan Cuts: Festival Of New Japanese Film | Asian Movie Pulse | English |
06-04-2024 | Japan Cuts 2024 Includes Films by Hideaki Anno, Shinya Tsukamoto, Shinji Somai & More | The Film Stage | English |
06-04-2024 | JAPAN CUTS XVII: Shadow Of Fire, Shin Godzilla ORTHOchromatic, And So Much More As The Full Line-Up Is Revealed! | Film Combat Syndicate | English |
06-04-2024 | JAPAN CUTS 2024 Program Announced! | Cinema Daily US | English |
06-04-2024 | Japan Cuts Unveils 2024 Festival Lineup Headlined by ‘Shin Godzilla: ORTHOchromatic’ | IndieWire | English |
06-03-2024 | Japan Society, Anime NYC Announce 1st American Manga Awards | Anime News Network | English |
05-03-2024 | 日銀の黒田東彦前総裁「円安は一時的」 NYで講演 | 日本経済新聞 | Japanese |
05-03-2024 | 黒田・前日銀総裁、金融政策変更は「自然」 「円安は一時的と思う」 | 朝日新聞 | Japanese |
04-26-2024 | Exclusive Trailer Debut for Hiroshi Shimizu Retrospective, Starting May 4, Sheds Light on a Japanese Master | The Film Stage | English |
04-12-2024 | The Japanese Economy Is Turning Around: Top Forces That Could Shape Its Future | OBSERVER | English |
04-10-2024 | What Is Zenga? | Something Curated | English |
04-04-2024 | How Collectors Kurt Gitter and Alice Yelen Gitter Embrace Both Eastern and Western Art Traditions | artnet | English |
04-04-2024 | In Zen Painting, It Takes Years of Practice to Do Almost Nothing | New York Times | English |
04-04-2024 | Hiroshi Shimizu’s Filmography Honored in MoMI and Japan Society Retrospective Screening Series | IndieWire | English |
03-18-2024 | Our Mid-March Picks of New York City Art Shows | Hyperallergic | English |
03-09-2024 | Art of Zen goes to New York | NIKKEI Asia | English |
03-06-2024 | None Whatsoever: Zen Paintings from the Gitter-Yelen Collection | TimeOut New York | English |
03-04-2024 | 北海道スマイルアンバサダーに就いた ジョシュア・ウォーカーさん | 北海道新聞 | Japanese |
03-02-2024 | 真田広之主演作品「Shogun」NYでお披露目 | NYビズ! | Japanese |
02-29-2024 | Shogun’ cast talk about bringing Japanese authenticity to FX epic | ABC NEWS | English |
02-28-2024 | 真田広之が語る「SHOGUN 将軍」でようやくできたこと、「ラスト サムライ」出演以降、秘めていた思い | 東洋経済 ONLINE | Japanese |
02-26-2024 | 二人の新館長がNYに就任 | アートアニュアルオンライン | Japanese |
02-26-2024 | YOKO SHIOYA discusses her 20 years as Artistic Director of the Japan Society, NYC | INTERLOCUTOR | English |
02-21-2024 | Interview: Ryota Nakano visits Japan Society for family-centered fest | Hollywood Soapbox | English |
02-20-2024 | Anime, Graffiti, and a Pickled Shark: Here Are 7 Exhibitions That Defined the Y2K Era | artnet | English |
02-15-2024 | Japan Society Presents the 18th Installment of Its Annual Play Reading Series: THE GOOD-STORY MURDERS | Broadway World | English |
02-09-2024 | 大統領選、「死活問題として考える」経済学者スティグリッツ氏 | DAILYSUN NEW YORK | Japanese |
02-09-2024 | 日本から秀作10本 急速に変化する「家族」の姿 ACAシネマプロジェクト第8弾 | Yomitime | Japanese |
02-02-2024 | Timeless Expression | fjord | English |
01-31-2024 | Rearview into Mirror in the Mirror | AZURE | English |
01-28-2024 | 東京都がNYジャパン・ソサエティーで特産品をPR | ニューヨーク経済新聞 | Japanese |
01-28-2024 | 「無功徳:ギッター・イエレン・コレクションの禅画」がジャパン・ソサエティー ギャラリーで開催 | ADF | Japanese |
01-28-2024 | “None Whatsoever: Zen Paintings from the Gitter-Yelen Collection” Exhibition to be Held at Japan Society Gallery | ADF | English |
01-26-2024 | テクノロジーと日本美術 時代を超えた創造性と革新 JS講演会 | よみタイム | Japanese |
01-25-2024 | Review: A Japanese ‘Boléro’? It’s a Spooky Ride of Revenge. | New York Times | English |
01-23-2024 | NJ州、日本との協業に大いに期待 マーフィー州知事とファーストレディ | DAILYSUN NEW YORK | Japanese |
01-22-2024 | Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens Hosts Sold-Out Crowd For K3 Council Panel Discussion | PIX 11 | English |
01-22-2024 | Oshogatsu: Japanese New Year's Celebration – SOLD OUT | MOMMY POPPINS | English |
01-20-2024 | 21世紀の日本舞踊 歌舞伎舞踊からボレロまで | 週刊NY生活 | Japanese |
01-20-2024 | 隈研吾とエリエタ・アタリ | 週刊NY生活 | Japanese |
01-18-2024 | What to Do in New York City in January | New York Times | English |
01-17-2024 | Exclusive: Japan Society's New Series Family Portrait Features Films from Ozu, Kiyoshi Kurosawa, Kore-eda & More | The Film Stage | English |
01-16-2024 | Anime NYC, Japan Society Team Up to Bring Bigger and Better Cultural Offerings to Next Con | POPINSIDER | English |
01-12-2024 | JSファミリープログラム 日本の正月をNYで! | よみタイム | Japanese |
01-11-2024 | Japan Society's exhibition highlights four crucial Japanese women in Fluxus | stirworld | English |
01-07-2024 | INTERVIEW: Yu Murai continues his Shakespearean journey with ‘Hamlet |Toilet’ | Hollywood Soapbox | English |
01-05-2024 | 5 Things to Do This Weekend | New York Times | English |
01-03-2024 | At a Revamped Under the Radar, New York Greets a ‘Global Downtown’ | New York Times | English |
12-28-2023 | 한국 미술이 자꾸 미국에서 보이는 까닭은? | Esquire Korea | Other |
12-22-2023 | JANUARY IS EXPERIMENTAL – THEATRE MONTH | The New Yorker | English |
12-21-2023 | U.S. Steel takeover opposition sends wrong message to Japan: analysts | NIKKEI Asia | English |
12-16-2023 | 令和5年度 外務大臣表彰 ダグラス・ピーターソン氏に | Shukan NY Seikatsu | Japanese |
12-15-2023 | 人間に感情移入させたゴジラ作品 「-1.0」が日本映画で北米トップに | DAILYSUN NEW YORK | Japanese |
12-09-2023 | Taishō Roman: Fever Dreams of the Great Rectitude | Air Mail | English |
12-08-2023 | 修復版やレア作品など幻想と怪奇 を描く大正ロマン映画6作品を上映 | NY Japion | Japanese |
12-07-2023 | 15 must-see exhibitions closing soonl | domus | English |
12-07-2023 | 次世代を見据え、日本とアメリカの架け橋となる | 電通総研 | Japanese |
12-05-2023 | Japan Society Hosts GODZILLA MINUS ONE Preview Screening in NYC | redcarpets.com | English |
12-04-2023 | Piece of work: How is Yoko Ono’s ‘Cut Piece’—in which the audience cut off her clothing—art? | Tatler Asia | English |
12-03-2023 | A New Film Series in New York Looks Back at Japan’s Taisho Period | Hyperallergic | English |
12-01-2023 | dec 07 (thu) | NYC Noise | English |
11-30-2023 | 5 Notable Exhibitions to Check Out This Winter—in and Around NYC | Archtober | English |
11-24-2023 | TOHO and Japan Society Celebrates GODZILLA MINUS ONE’s Release with 35mm Screening of The 1954 Classic (& Sake!) | ALL AGES OF GEEK | English |
11-24-2023 | 日本独自の「狂騒の20年代」修復版プレミア含むレア作品上映「大正ロマン:幻想と怪奇を描く6つの映画」 | よみタイム | Japanese |
11-24-2023 | 「えんとつ町のプペル」JSで特別上映 西野亮廣が登壇 | よみタイム | Japanese |
11-23-2023 | Godzilla Minus One' is a Human-Centric Tribute to an Iconic Monster | Hype Beast | English |
12-22-2023 | Godzilla Minus One – Review (2023) | The Best Godzilla Movie Yet? | ゴジラ-1.0 | BIG GOLD BELT MEDIA | English |
11-22-2023 | 怪奇大正映画特集6作品上映 | 週刊NY生活 | Japanese |
11-22-2023 | Godzilla Minus One Review: A Monster Attack Masterpiece Transcends the Kaiju Genre | Movie Web | English |
11-22-2023 | Review: Godzilla Minus One | Flixist | English |
11-22-2023 | Godzilla Minus One Is About Trauma & Hope | Escapist Magazine | English |
11-21-2023 | Why Is ‘Godzilla Minus One’ Called ‘Godzilla Minus One’? | THE MARY SUE | English |
11-20-2023 | Japan Society Presents “Taisho Roman: Fever Dreams of the Great Rectitude” | Cinema Daily US | English |
11-18-2023 | Exceptional Japanese Houses | Azure Magazine | English |
11-16-2023 | Trailer Premiere: Taisho Roman | The Criterion Collection | English |
11-23-2023 | CAGE SHOCK Announced At Japan Society, December 7 | Broadway World | English |
11-11-2023 | Exploring the Evolution of Japanese Residential Design: A Book Talk with Naomi Pollock | Off Plan Property Exchange | English |
11-10-2023 | 「ジョン・ケージの日本」シリーズ第3弾 Noh-opera/Noh-tation: ジョン・ケージの未完成作品を紐解く | よみタイム | Japanese |
11-09-2023 | Japan Society Hosts GODZILLA MINUS ONE Preview Screening in NYC On November 28th | Scifi Japan | English |
11-09-2023 | Japan Society Presents a Special Screening of the Eagerly Anticipated “Godzilla Minus One” | Cinema Daily | English |
11-07-2023 | Out of Bounds: Japanese Women Artists in Fluxus | Whitehot Magazine | English |
11-05-2023 | チャレンジするあなたを応援しています!・柳楽優弥さん | さくらRADIO | Japanese |
11-03-2023 | The One With an Impromptu Matthew Perry Memorial | New York Magazine | English |
11-03-2023 | DMG Newsletter for Friday, November 3rd, 2023 | Downtown Music Gallery | English |
11-01-2023 | Out of Bounds: Japanese Women Artists in Fluxus | Brooklyn Rail | English |
10-28-2023 | リスクを恐れないオープンマインドな映画づくり・KENTARO監督 | さくらRADIO | Japanese |
10-27-2023 | Yoko Ono and the Women of Fluxus Changed the Rules in Art and Life | The New York Times | English |
10-25-2023 | Partner Spotlight: Japan Society | Archtober | English |
10-24-2023 | Soft power and Japan's role in a complex world | The Japan Times | English |
10-24-2023 | USAID-Supported SAMRIDH Initiative and IPE Global Join G7 Endorsed Impact Investment Initiative for Global Health as Founding Members/ | FM Live.in The Fact Maker | English |
10-23-2023 | Godzilla 1954 and Godzilla MINUS ONE Sneak Peek | Anime News Network | English |
10-20-2023 | Out of Bounds: Japanese Women Artists in Fluxus at the Japan Society | JAPANCONTEMPORARIES | English |
10-20-2023 | 注目の新鋭監督・石橋夕帆さん | さくらRADIO | Japanese |
10-19-2023 | Out of Bounds: Japanese Women Artists in Fluxus – Japan Society | Arts Gazing | English |
10-19-2023 | Newsletter: Classical Concerts Oct 19-26 ● NYC | Live Music Project | English |
10-18-2023 | Out of Bounds: Japanese Women Artists in Fluxus | ASIA WEEK NEW YORK | English |
10-18-2023 | ジョシュア・ウォーカー・ジャパン・ソサエティー理事長による上川外務大臣表敬 | 外務省 | Japanese |
10-17-2023 | Kishida’s greatest challenges may still lie ahead | NHK WORLD-JAPAN | English |
10-17-2023 | Japan Society to Present ‘Cage Shock’ Celebrating Connection Between John Cage and Japan | OPERAWIRE | English |
10-13-2023 | Out of Bounds: Japanese Women Artists in Fluxus | Widewalls | English |
10-13-2024 | JAPAN SOCIETY SPOTLIGHTS WOMEN ARTISTS | Japan Culture NYC | English |
10-13-2023 | 日本人女性4人にフォーカス 伝統的な美的概念への挑戦「アウト・オブ・バウンズ フルクサスと日本人女性芸術家たち」 | よみタイム | Japanese |
10-13-2023 | コンサート「龍安寺」 | よみタイム | Japanese |
10-13-2023 | アニメ「ブルージャイアント」プレミアム上映 音楽担当の上原ひろみ迎え、Q&Aも | よみタイム | Japanese |
10-13-2023 | JAPAN CUTS主催者に聞く アメリカのファンが 「マンガや アニメ」に夢中になる理由(後編) | UJP News | Japanese |
10-13-2023 | Due to Popular Demand Japan Society Adds Additional Date for JOHN CAGE’S RYOANJI | Broadway World | English |
10-12-2023 | “Impact Investment Initiative (Triple I ) for Global Health” speeches in the Triple I session | 内閣官房 健康・医療戦略室 | Japanese |
10-12-2023 | Under the Radar to Return, With New Partners | New York Times | English |
10-11-2023 | Impact Investment Initiative (Triple I) for Global Health Launching | 内閣官房 健康・医療戦略室 | Japanese |
10-11-2023 | 感謝各界協力支持臺灣藝術文化發展 文化部112年「文協獎章」獲獎名單出爐 | 文化部 (Ministry of Culture) | Other |
10-11-2023 | 文化部「文協獎章」名單出爐 7類15人獲獎 | 中央通訊社 | Other |
10-06-2023 | 言葉はなくても、心は通じる〝モンゴル宛のラブレター〟 | UJP News | Japanese |
09-28-2023 | International Contemporary Ensemble Collaborates With Tomomi Adachi For John Cage’s JAPAN SERIES At Japan Society | Broadway World | English |
09-27-2023 | 60 Years On, Exploring Resonance Between John Cage And Japan | Classical Voice North America | English |
09-26-2023 | JOHN CAGE’S JAPAN | This Week in New York | English |
09-24-2023 | USAID-Supported SAMRIDH Initiative and IPE Global Join G7 Endorsed Impact Investment Initiative for Global Health as Founding Members | Passionate in Marketing | English |
09-24-2023 | TOKYO TO NEW YORK PRESENTS “ONOKORO | The City Life | English |
09-23-2023 | John Cage Shock: When Japan Fell for Cage and Vice Versa | The New York Times | English |
09-23-2023 | NYで岸田総理大臣がユニバーサル・ヘルス・カバレッジ達成に向けてスピーチ | ニューヨーク経済新聞 | Japanese |
09-22-2023 | 岸田首相の一日 9月21日(木) | 東京新聞 | Japanese |
09-22-2023 | 岸田日誌21日(木) | dmenu | Japanese |
09-22-2023 | 岸田日誌21日(木) | 産経新聞 | Japanese |
09-22-2023 | 岸田首相 途上国の感染症危機対応で円借款制度を創設する考え | NHK | Japanese |
09-22-2023 | 20、21日の岸田首相の動静 | 日本経済新聞 | Japanese |
09-22-2023 | 岸田総理大臣 NYで国際保健イベントに参加 | Fujisankei Communications International | Japanese |
09-22-2023 | Bill Gates talks Global Health at Japan Society NYC (Video) | The Natural Aristocrat | English |
09-21-2023 | 【速報】岸田総理、新たな円借款制度の創設を表明 次の感染症対策として | TBS | Japanese |
09-21-2023 | 岸田総理大臣の「G7保健フォローアップ・サイドイベント」出席(結果概要) | 外務省 | Japanese |
09-21-2023 | Prime Minister KISHIDA Fumio’s participation in the G7 Health Follow-up Side Event “Toward More Resilient, Equitable, and Sustainable Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by 2030 – Equitable Access to Medical Countermeasures (MCMs) and Impact Investment Initiative (Triple I) for Global Health -” | Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan | English |
09-21-2023 | 78th UN General Assembly in New York | UPI | English |
09-21-2023 | TVD Radar: Blue Giant The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack first vinyl issue in stores 9/29 | The Vinyl District | English |
09-19-2023 | Foreign Minister Kamikawa’s Visit to Japan Society | Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan | English |
09-19-2023 | 上川外務大臣のジャパン・ソサエティ訪問 | 外務省 | Japanese |
09-16-2023 | ジャパン・ソサエティー「ジョン・ケージの日本」シリーズ | 週刊NY生活 | Japanese |
09-16-2023 | フルクサスにおける日本人女性アーティスト | 週刊NY生活 | Japanese |
09-13-2023 | Japan Society’s upcoming concert series: ‘John Cage’s Japan’ | Seen and Heard | English |
09-13-2023 | Interview: Final Fantasy Artist Yoshitaka Amano Working On New Game, Old Art | KOTAKU | English |
09-09-2023 | JSギャラリー展覧会「アウト・オブ・バウンズ フルクサスと日本人女性芸術家たち」 | Ny Biz! | Japanese |
09-08-2023 | アメリカの日本映画ファンや 映画作家たちが集える映画祭に(前半) | UJP News | Japanese |
09-04-2023 | Classical Music and Opera This Fall: Programs, Premieres and More | The New York Times | English |
09-04-2023 | Paul Lazar’s “Cage Shuffle” Opening John Cage’s Japan: A Japan Society Performance Series | Dance Informa | English |
09-02-2023 | Extended Techniques NYC Calendar September 2023 | Avant Music News | English |
09-02-2023 | NOW EP33「NYへ参上!松江の和菓子職人・大津光博さん」New York Now with Yasuko | さくらRADIO | Japanese |
09-01-2023 | Hyperallergic Fall 2023 New York Art Guide | Hyperallergic | English |
08-28-2023 | 視標「日米韓首脳会談」困難乗り越え、合意履行を バイデン政権の外交実績 ジャパン・ソサエティー理事長 ジョシュア・ウォーカー | 信濃毎日新聞 | Japanese |
08-25-2023 | 日米交流団体理事長が講演 | 読売新聞(北海道) | Japanese |
08-24-2023 | Yoshitaka Amano Attends Screening of Angel’s Egg Anime in New York City on September 10 | Anime News Network | English |
08-24-2023 | 北海道の魅力 もっと米国に発信 交流団体理事長、札幌で講演 | 北海道新聞 | Japanese |
08-18-2023 | 完売多数で大盛況!人間性を追求した2作品 JS「ジャパン・カッツ」を終えて | よみタイム | Japanese |
08-18-2023 | Fall Culture Preview: What to See This Season | The New Yorker | English |
08-18-2023 | Japan in New York: Japanese Culture Outside of the Archipelago | Metropolis Japan | English |
08-17-2023 | フルクサスの日本人女性アーティストに注目。「アウト・オブ・バウンズ フルクサスと日本人女性芸術家たち」がニューヨークで開催へ | 美術手帖 | Japanese |
08-06-2023 | 映画『ターコイズの空の下で』がNYで上映 出演の柳楽優弥が渡米しファンの前に登場 | YAHOO! JAPAN ニュース | Japanese |
08-05-2023 | 柳楽優弥、北米最大の日本映画祭「第16回JAPAN CUTS~ジャパン・カッツ~」にて受賞! | The Hollywood Reporter Japan | Japanese |
08-02-2023 | NY Japanese film festival returns in-person | REUTERS | English |
07-28-2023 | 日本人コミュニティを彩る人々 ジョシュア・W・ウォーカー | DAILYSUN NEW YORK | Japanese |
07-27-2023 | ジャパン・ソサエティー芸術監督・塩谷陽子さんインタビュー:EP68 全米情報番組「HELLO AMERICA」 Navi: 沢えりか | さくらRADIO | Japanese |
07-24-2023 | Arts Intel: Out of Bounds: Japanese Women Artists in Fluxus | Airmail | English |
07-14-2023 | JQ Magazine: JAPAN CUTS Scorches the Screen with ‘THE FIRST SLAM DUNK,’ ‘Under the Turquoise Sky | JQ Magazine | English |
07-12-2023 | Japan Cuts: Festival of New Japanese Cinema opens July 26th | Pix 11 | English |
07-12-2023 | Japan Society Announces Full Lineup for the 16th Annual JAPAN CUTS | Enspire | English |
07-12-2023 | Exclusive Trailer for Japan Cuts 2023 Presents the Best in New Japanese Cinema | The Film Stage | English |
07-11-2023 | Godzilla Spotted Approaching America! New Japanese Production Arriving In December | Forbes | English |
07-05-2023 | 柳楽にCUT ABOVE賞/ | 週刊NY生活 | Japanese |
06-30-2023 | (けいざい+)SAKEへの挑戦:下 まだ0.2%、いつか全米酔わせたい | 朝日新聞 | Japanese |
06-30-2023 | NYジャパン・ソサエティーで日本酒講演会&試飲会 12の蔵元参加 | NY経済新聞 | Japanese |
06-29-2023 | Space for Transformation | Fjord Review | English |
06-22-2023 | Japan Society Announces Full Lineup for the 16TH Annual Japan Cuts: Festival of New Japanese Film | Asian Movie Pulse | English |
06-21-2023 | ジャパン・ソサエティー年次晩餐会盛大に | 週刊NY生活 | Japanese |
06-20-2023 | Japan Society Announces Full Lineup for the 16th Annual JAPAN CUTS: Festival of New Japanese Film | Cineme Daily US | English |
06-20-2023 | The First Slam Dunk’ To Open New York’s Japan Cuts; Ryuichi Sakamoto Remembered, Yuya Yagira To Receive Award | Deadline | English |
06-20-2023 | Japan Cuts 2023: Grand Opening With The First Slam Dunk, Honoring Ryuichi Sakamoto, and Much More | High on Films | English |
06-20-2023 | NYC’s Japan Cuts Festival Scores with ‘The First Slam Dunk’ Premiere in July | Animation Magazine | English |
06-16-2023 | 日本関連の豪華祭典「ガラ」がNYで。モルガンSゴーマンCEO、宇田川信学が登壇(ガラとは?) | YAHOO! JAPAN ニュース | Japanese |
06-15-2023 | バイデン政権の外交政策「微妙なバランスを取ろうと懸命」 ジャパン・ソサエティー理事長・ウォーカー氏 | AERA | Japanese |
06-14-2023 | IMPRESSIONS: LEIMAY Ensemble’s “Extinction Rituals,” a Fantastical Funerary Rite | The Dance Enthusiast | English |
06-01-2023 | All About JAPAN SOCIETY | Sutton Place SOCIAL | English |
06-01-2023 | 日系アメリカ人としてのアイデンティティと誇りの探求──再評価高まるキョウヘイ・イヌカイの作品世界 | ARTnews JAPAN | Japanese |
05-31-2023 | 『シン・仮面ライダー』北米プレミア上映 | NY Biz! | Japanese |
05-31-2023 | How Japanese American Artist Kyohei Inukai Forged a New Path for Abstraction by Looking to the Past | ARTnews | English |
05-30-2023 | DESTROY ALL MONSTERS (1968) | Cinema Crazed | English |
05-28-2023 | “Shin Kamen Rider” / Review : A Solid Film and a Love Letter to One of the Grandfathers of the Tokusatsu TV Shows | Cinema Daily US | English |
05-27-2023 | NYで「シン・仮面ライダー」北米プレミア上映会 全米公開に先駆け開催 | NY経済新聞 | Japanese |
05-24-2023 | Experience Japan in the city | PIX11-TV | English |
05-22-2023 | 55th Anniversary Screening of DESTROY ALL MONSTERS June 16th in NYC; Presented by Japan Society and the Tribeca Festival | SciFi Japan | English |
05-20-2023 | 世界でオペラ演出も手掛ける舞台の重鎮、笈田ヨシ ── 死に向き合い充実した生を得る | ニューズウィーク日本版 | Japanese |
05-17-2023 | 漂流する伝説の俳優、笈田ヨシ ── 人間の営みを見つめ表現する | ニューズウィーク日本版 | Japanese |
05-10-2023 | Shin Kamen Rider Gets Premiere via Japan Society NYC | Crunchyroll | English |
05-10-2023 | Hideaki Anno’s ‘Shin Kamen Rider’ To Make Its North American Premiere Ahead of Fathom Events Release | Bloody Disgusting | English |
05-08-2023 | 北米最大の日本映画祭「第16回JAPAN CUTS~ジャパン・カッツ~」開催決定! | U.S. FrontLine | Japanese |
05-04-2023 | Rites of Passage: The Films of Shinji Somai | Brooklyn Rail | English |
05-01-2023 | Spring Events – Kyohei Inukai and Children’s Day | Sutton Place SOCIAL | English |
05-10-2023 | Shin Kamen Rider Gets Premiere via Japan Society NYC | Crunchyroll | English |
05-10-2023 | Hideaki Anno’s ‘Shin Kamen Rider’ To Make Its North American Premiere Ahead of Fathom Events Release | Bloody Disgusting | English |
05-08-2023 | 北米最大の日本映画祭「第16回JAPAN CUTS~ジャパン・カッツ~」開催決定! | U.S. FrontLine | Japanese |
05-04-2023 | Rites of Passage: The Films of Shinji Somai | Brooklyn Rail | English |
05-01-2023 | Live Again | Film Comment | English |
05-01-2023 | Kyohei Inukai | Air Mail | English |
04-30-2023 | 『セーラー服と機関銃』NYで上映:相米慎二映画祭開催中。ジャパン・ソサエティーで | DAILYSUN NEW YORK | Japanese |
04-30-2023 | 26 Best Things To Do in NYC May 2023 with Kids | Mommy Poppins | English |
04-29-2023 | Japan Society NYC: ‘Sailor Suit and Machine Gun’ Film Review | The Natural Aristocrat | English |
04-28-2023 | ジャパン・ソサエティー映画部が相米慎二監督特集 7作品上映 | NY経済新聞 | Japanese |
04-26-2023 | Announcing JAPAN CUTS 2023: North America’s Largest Japanese Film Festival Returns in Person this July | Cinema Daily US | English |
04-26-2023 | The Way of Fire and Water: On the Eclectic Brilliance of Shinji Somai | The Film Stage | English |
04-20-2023 | ジャパン・ソサエティー「ファミリー・アート・デー」 親子で版画体験を通じてアートを探求 | NYジャピオン | Japanese |
04-14-2023 | 相米監督の軌跡を辿る 北米初の回顧上映「相米慎二の世界:不朽の青春」 | よみタイム | Japanese |
04-13-2023 | The Best Language Classes in New York | Curbed | English |
04-12-2023 | One of Japan’s Greatest Directors Gets Restored In Trailer for Rites of Passage: The Films of Shinji Somai | The Film Stage | English |
04-11-2023 | Trailer Premiere: The Films of Shinji Somai | The Criterion Collection | English |
04-05-2023 | 映画グローバスシリーズ『セーラー服と機関銃』など | 週刊NY生活 | Japanese |
04-05-2023 | キョウヘイ・イヌカイ展 | 週刊NY生活 | Japanese |
04-01-2023 | Concert to commemorate ‘Japanese Schindler’ set for New York | NIKKEI Asia | English |
04-01-2023 | 日米関係が今こそ「中東で」進化を遂げるべきこれだけの理由 | ニューズウィーク日本版 | Japanese |
04-01-2023 | note to a friend | Opera News | English |
03-30-2023 | The Evolution of Noh | Fjord Review | English |
03-27-2023 | Japan Society Film Announces: Rites of Passage: The Films of Shinji Somai, April 28 – May 13, 2023 | Cinema Daily | English |
03-23-2023 | Achieving a New Asia Pivot, in the Middle East | Opinion | Newsweek | English |
03-12-2023 | Japan Society presents Reading of Translated Contemporary Play | Manhattan Digest | English |
03-08-2023 | 作品作りと社会貢献の両立目指したい | 週刊NY生活 | Japanese |
03-01-2023 | 芥川の世界観 | 週刊NY生活 | Japanese |
02-28-2023 | “Refashioning” at Japan Society: CFGNY and Wataru Tominaga | Art Asia Pacific | English |
02-24-2023 | An Installation of Clothes, Cardboard, Plywood, and Porcelain Takes Over the Japan Society | Curbed | English |
02-24-2023 | Obie Awards Honor ‘English’ as Best New Play | The New York Times | English |
02-21-2023 | CFGNY: ’90s Nostalgia at the Japan Society | Vogue | English |
02-20-2023 | Yoko Ono at 90 | The New York Times | English |
02-17-2023 | Japan Society To Host Play Reading I’M TRYING TO UNDERSTAND YOU, BUT… On March 13 | Broadway World | English |
02-15-2023 | ACA Film Project / Yamabuki : Exclusive Interview with Director Juichiro Yamasaki | Cinema Daily US | English |
02-11-2023 | A Tale of Sorrow and Sadness | Screen Slate | English |
02-11-2023 | A Tale of Sorrow and Sadness (悲愁物語, Seijun Suzuki, 1977) | Windows on Worlds | English |
02-08-2023 | Puppet Akutagawa | CounterPunch | English |
02-06-2023 | Carmen from Kawachi (河内カルメン, Seijun Suzuki, 1966) | Windows on Worlds | English |
02-05-2023 | Film Review: Carmen from Kawachi (1966) by Seijun Suzuki | Asian Movie Pulse | English |
02-03-2023 | Kagero-za | Screen Slate | English |
02-01-2023 | Hiji Nam around downtown Manhattan | Art Forum | English |
01-31-2023 | A Fashion Show that Widens the Lens of Asian Identity | The New York Times | English |
01-31-2023 | CFGNY Stages a “Vaguely Asian” Fashion Show at Japan Society | Interview Magazine | English |
01-31-2023 | 国際共同制作第2弾 芥川の短編ベースにオペラ _ 毎日新聞 | 毎日新聞 | Japanese |
01-30-2023 | Special Report: Seijun Suzuki Centennial | The Projection Booth Podcast | English |
01-30-2023 | CFGNY: ’90s Nostalgia at the Japan Society | Vogue | English |
01-25-2023 | 芥川龍之介作品に魅了 日米で異なる捉え方描く 作曲家 デヴィッド・ラング | よみタイム | Japanese |
01-24-2023 | Two fashion labels unraveling Asian identity | Art Forum | English |
01-23-2023 | PROTOTYPE Festival 2023 Review: note to a friend | Opera Wire | English |
01-22-2023 | #85 Note to a friend | 101 Operas | English |
01-21-2023 | Akutagawa | Time Out | English |
01-21-2023 | 芥川龍之介の作品から新作オペラJSで上演 演出の笈田ヨシに聞く | 週刊NY生活 | Japanese |
01-20-2023 | The Delicacy Of Suicide As Lyric Reflection In Lang’s ‘note to a friend’ | Classical Voice North America | English |
01-19-2023 | VIEWPOINT – PROTOTYPE 2023 continues to be a fertile incubator for the development of important new works of music theater | Interludes | English |
01-18-2023 | 芥川龍之介の作品から新作オペラJSで上演 | 週刊NY生活 | Japanese |
01-18-2023 | David Lang at the Prototype Festival – A Chamber Opera Based on Ryunosuke Akutagawa Short Stories | Berkshire Fine Arts | English |
01-18-2023 | “NOTE TO A FRIEND” AT PROTOTYPE 2023 FESTIVAL | The Theatre Times | English |
01-18-2023 | PROTOTYPE 2023 Probes the Dark Corners of Humanity and Imagines a World Beyond Civilization | I Care If You Listen | English |
01-13-2023 | 芥川龍之介の文章がべーる、愛、死、自殺をテーマに | よみタイム | Japanese |
01-13-2023 | 「日本は宣伝不足 より戦略的に」 日米交流団体理事長 | 産経新聞 | Japanese |
01-12-2023 | 「カギを握るのはバイデン大統領」岸田バイデン会談の行方を日米識者が語る | FNNプライムオンライン | Japanese |
01-11-2023 | COMPOSER DAVID LANG IN CONVERSATION WITH DANIELE SAHR ABOUT note to a friend | Seen and Heard | English |
01-10-2023 | DAVID LANG DISCUSS HIS NEW OPERA | Cultrual Attache | English |
01-09-2023 | Anime NYC Founder Peter Tatara Leaves LeftField Media to Join Japan Society | Anime News Network | English |
01-06-2023 | How to Live a Complex Life / in Pursuit of an Honest Death: David Lang’s “note to a friend” | Which Sinfonia | English |
01-02-2023 | Japan Society’s Yoko Shioya in conversation with David Lang | hatchers | English |
12-27-22 | Q & A: Composer David Lang on Creating ‘note to a friend’ for Japan Society | Opera Wire | English |
12-23-22 | 謹んで初春のお慶びを申し上げます ジャパン・ソサエティー(JS) 理事長 ジョシュア・W・ウォーカー | DAILYSUN NEW YORK | Japanese |
12-10-22 | ジャパン・ソサエティーで「時代と共に変化も」人間国宝 友枝昭世 | 週刊NY生活 | Japanese |
12-8-22 | Japan Society NYC Film Review: ‘Fireworks Should We See It from the Side or the Bottom?’ | The Natural Aristocrat | English |
12-7-22 | 喜多流の能NY公演喜多流の能 | 週刊NY生活 | Japanese |
12-5-22 | NYジャパンソサエティーでリ・ファッショニング展 富永航は初のNY展覧会 | 繊研新聞 | Japanese |
11-25-22 | 「皇帝」と「枕慈童」上演 能:喜多流 ジャパン・ソサエティーで | よみタイム | Japanese |
11-25-22 | JSでファッション展 既成概念覆す画期的な手法 「Refashioning: CFGNY and Wataru Tominaga」 | よみタイム | Japanese |
11-25-22 | インタビュー:荻上直子 監督 映画 [川っぺりムコリッタ] | よみタイム | Japanese |
11-25-22 | インタビュー:大九明子 監督 映画 [ウェディング・ハイ] | よみタイム | Japanese |
11-17-22 | Japan Society to Present World Premiere of ‘Note to a Friend’ | OperaWire | English |
11-17-2022 | ウォーカー・ジャパン・ソサエティー理事長と懇談 | 日本経済団体連合会 | Japanese |
11-14-2022 | Japan Society President and CEO Joshua W. Walker: A US-Born Child of Hokkaidō | Nippon.com | English |
11-12-2022 | ジャパン・ソサエティー国際文化会館と連携 | 週刊NY生活 | Japanese |
11-12-2022 | 女性映画人の視点 | 週刊NY生活 | Japanese |
11-11-2022 | ジャパン・ソサエティーと国際文化会館 戦略的パートナーシップ締結 | よみタイム | Japanese |
11-11-2022 | 女性映画制作者にフォーカス 大九監督、荻上監督が来米 JS映画祭「女性映画人の視点」 | よみタイム | Japanese |
11-07-2022 | 東京都 ニューヨーク出張の概要・成果 | 東京都 | Japanese |
11-05-2022 | 風船爆弾は時代の気流に乗って ジャパン・ソサエティーで現代人形劇 | 週刊NY生活 | Japanese |
11-02-2022 | 日米連携、さらに重要に ジョシュア・ウォーカー ジャパン・ソサエティー理事長 | 毎日新聞 | Japanese |
10-29-2022 | Japan Society’s Yoko Shioya in conversation with artists Maiko Kikuchi and Spencer Lott | hatchers | English |
10-26-2022 | Japan Society Presents One Night Only Talk with Basil Twist Next Month | Broadway World | English |
10-26-2022 | Japan Society Presents One Night Only Talk with Basil Twist Next Month | Hollywood Soapbox | English |
10-24-2022 | The ACA Cinema Project Announces Series Showcasing Women Filmmakers From Japan | Women in Hollywood | English |
10-22-2022 | ジャパン・ソサエティーで現代人形劇 和紙の風船爆弾の物語 | 週刊NY生活 | Japanese |
10-20-2022 | 9000 Paper Balloons | Time Out New York | English |
10-17-2022 | 現代人形劇「9000のペーパー・バルーンズ」 敵国「日本と米国」の距離をテーマに | よみタイム | Japanese |
10-12-2022 | The Elegant Surrealism of an Animated Cult Classic | Hyperallergic | English |
10-04-2022 | 115年の歴史を誇るNYのジャパン・ソサエティー:運営を支えるのは、北海道育ちの若き米国人 | nippon.com/ja/ | Japanese |
09-26-2022 | Ever Heard of Noh Theater? Our Primer to Three Major Productions Arriving in New York City This Fall | The Slowdown | English |
09-01-2022 | Kazuko Miyamoto | Artforum | English |
08-21-2022 | Japan Society head: COVID is a chance to rethink ‘who we are’ | The Asahi Shimbun | English |
08-08-2023 | Yukio Mishima’s New Opera HANJO Comes to the Japan Society Next Month | Broadway World | English |
07-21-2022 | Japan Society Announces 2022-23 Performing Arts Season Featuring Events in Opera, Theater, Dance & More | Broadway World | English |
05-31-2022 | ジョシュア・ウォーカー・ジャパン・ソサエティ理事長による林大臣表敬 | BtoBプラットフォーム 業界チャネル | Japanese |
05-30-2022 | Editors’ Picks: 12 Events for Your Art Calendar This Week, From James Joyce Mania at the Morgan to Photoville in Brooklyn Bridge Park | MarketScreener | English |
05-27-2022 | Motoshinkakarannu | Windows on Worlds | English |
05-26-2022 | First Institutional Solo Exhibition of Kazuko Miyamoto in New York | Japan Forward | English |
05-26-2022 | Maverick Minimalist, Gallerist, Global Citizen | The New York Times | English |
05-25-2022 | Cinematic Reflections Featuring Films by Oshima and Marker | Yorutomo Gaido | English |
05-25-2022 | Eiko Otake and Margaret Leng Tan Reflect on Art, Friendship, and Life | Vogue | English |
05-25-2022 | Indo-Pacific alignment against China still elusive despite Biden trip | Japan Today | English |
05-25-2022 | Indo-Pacific alignment against China still elusive despite Biden trip | The Japan Times | English |
05-25-2022 | Indo-Pacific alignment against China still elusive despite Biden trip | Kyodo News English | English |
05-25-2022 | Kazuko Miyamoto’s highly strung New York show leaves us wanting more | Financial Times | English |
05-25-2022 | Lincoln Center Theater/LCT3 to Present New Play THE NOSEBLEED, Written and Directed by Aya Ogawa | BroadwayWorld.com | English |
05-24-2022 | 自然と人為の狭間にあるものをコラージュする 展覧会「金氏徹平 S.F. (Something Falling/Floating) 」 | Webマガジン「AXIS」 | Japanese |
05-21-2022 | Untamagiru | Screen Slate | English |
05-20-2022 | Untamagiru Review | Windows on Worlds | English |
05-19-2022 | Japan Society Launches Monthly Anime Series with Princess Mononoke, The Animatrix and More | Anime News Network | English |
05-19-2022 | NYC Weekend Watch: Okinawa in Focus – Terror of Yakuza and Untamagiru | The Film Stage | English |
05-18-2022 | Films to Watch on the 50th Anniversary of Okinawa’s Return to Japanese Rule | Hyperallergic | English |
05-18-2022 | Joe Biden must recognize the clear and present dangers facing Japan | Nikkei Asian Review | English |
05-17-2022 | Manhattan’s Japan Society Explores Artist Kazuko Miyamoto’s Relationship with her Studio Architecture | Metropolis | English |
05-15-2022 | Visions of Okinawa: Terror of Yakuza | JB Spins | English |
05-13-2022 | Visions of Okinawa: Cinematic Reflections | This Week in New York | English |
05-13-2022 | Weekend Watch | DO NYC | English |
05-12-2022 | Tokyo Revisited | le fotografie di Moriyama e Tomatsu al Maxxi | Zazoom | English |
05-11-2022 | Immigrant Artists Tackle Pressing Environmental Issues and Uncertainty in CORRESPONDENCES | BroadwayWorld.com | English |
05-09-2022 | Brief thoughts on Visions of Okinawa: Cinematic Reflections at the Japan Society | Unseen Films | English |
05-09-2022 | Kakegurui Season 3: What is Storyline of Love Is War? | Crossover99 | English |
05-05-2022 | Ainu Mosir (2021) plays the Japan Society May 7 | Unseen Films | English |
05-05-2022 | New York’s Movie Theaters, From Art-House to Dine-In | DNYUZ | English |
05-03-2022 | Kazuko Miyamoto: To perform a line at Japan Society, April 29 – July 12, 2022 | Arts Summary | English |
05-02-2022 | OKI: Music of the Ainu at Japan Society | Newsounds | English |
05-01-2022 | Kazuko Miyamoto exhibition opens at Japan Society | Asian Movie Pulse | English |
04-30-2022 | Arts Planner: An under the radar art exhibition, “A Strange Loop” hits Broadway and Ornette Coleman gets reimagined | WNYC-AM | English |
04-30-2022 | Featured Exhibition: Kazuko Miyamoto: To perform a line at Japan Society | Expo Arts | English |
04-30-2022 | Japan Society opens Kazuko Miyamoto: To perform a line | Asia Week NY Blog | English |
04-30-2022 | Kazuko Miyamoto: To perform a line | Mutual Art | English |
04-30-2022 | Kazuko Miyamoto: To perform a line at Japan Society | Yatzer | English |
04-30-2022 | Opening This Week: Kazuko Miyamoto: To perform a line | Arts Gazing | English |
04-30-2022 | Weekend arts preview: Kazuko Miyamoto, ‘A Strange Loop,’ Ornette Coleman revisited | Gothamist | English |
04-29-2022 | Kazuko Miyamoto: To perform a line | Artrabbit | English |
04-29-2022 | Kazuko Miyamoto: To perform a line | Artforum Artguide | English |
04-27-2022 | amNY Weekender | 8 things to do in NYC, April 29—May 1 | amNewYork | English |
04-25-2022 | Exclusive Trailer for Japan Society’s Visions of Okinawa: Cinematic Reflections Featuring Films by Oshima and Marker | Film Stage | English |
04-25-2022 | Japan Society’s Visions of Okinawa: Cinematic Reflections May 13—June 3 | DO NYC: Monday Memo | English |
04-22-2022 | Japan Society’s Visions of Okinawa: Cinematic Reflections May 13—June 3 | Cinema Daily | English |
04-20-2022 | Arts Etc – April 2022 | International Arts Examiner | English |
04-14-2022 | Japan Society’s Visions of Okinawa: Cinematic Reflections May 13—June 3 | Unseen Films | English |
04-13-2022 | New Film Series at Japan Society to Hold Screenings from May 13th through June 3rd | Broadway World | English |
04-05-2022 | Japan Society Launches their Monthly Anime Showcase in April | Eastern Kicks | English |
04-04-2022 | Monthly Anime Classics at Japan Society | Mystery Catalog | English |
04-01-2022 | Monthly Anime at Japan Society: In-Person Showcase of Classic, Underseen, and Contemporary Anime | Unseen Films | English |
04-01-2022 | Monthly Anime at Japan Society: In-Person Showcase of Classic, Underseen, and Contemporary Anime | Lesley’s Anime and Manga Corner | English |
04-01-2022 | Monthly Anime at Japan Society: In-Person Showcase of Classic, Underseen, and Contemporary Anime | Asian Movie Pulse | English |
04-01-2022 | Monthly Anime at Japan Society: In-Person Showcase of Classic, Underseen, and Contemporary Anime | Anime News Network | English |
03-31-2022 | Dozens of exhibitions and a new digital focus at Asia Week New York | USA Art News | English |
03-30-2022 | Meet the Cast of MACBETH; Beginning Previews on Broadway Tonight! | Latest Casino News | English |
03-29-2022 | Your Concise New York Art Guide for April 2022 | Hyperallergic | English |
03-28-2022 | Meet the Cast of MACBETH; Beginning Previews on Broadway Tonight! | BroadwayWorld.com | English |
03-26-2022 | Kaguya-sama Love is War Season 3: Will Miyuki & Kaguya finally confess their feelings? | Devdiscourse | English |
03-25-2022 | BWW Review: WAVES ACROSS TIME: TRADITIONAL DANCE AND MUSIC OF OKINAWA at Kennedy Center | BroadwayWorld.com | English |
03-25-2022 | On this Japanese island, almost all the buildings are made of concrete | The Singapore Time | English |
03-25-2022 | On this Japanese island, nearly every building is made of concrete | Fast Company | English |
03-24-2022 | Things to Do: World music and dance | WFMZ-TV | English |
03-23-2022 | Kaguya-sama: Love Is War Season 3 -Ultra Romantic- To Premiere In US Theaters | OtakuKart | English |
03-22-2022 | Kaguya-sama: Love Is War – Ultra Romantic- Gets New US Debut Through Aniplex of America | The Illuminerdi | English |
03-21-2022 | Aniplex of America Hosts Kaguya-sama: Love Is War -Ultra Romantic- U.S. Premiere in Los Angeles and New York on April 2nd | Anime News Network | English |
03-21-2022 | Kaguya-sama: Love is War Anime’s 3rd Season Gets Advanced Screening in U.S. on April 2 | Anime News Network | English |
03-21-2022 | Kaguya-sama: Love is War Announces Early U.S. Premiere for Season 3 | ComicBook.com | English |
03-21-2022 | Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War’s 3rd Season Gets Advance U.S. Screening | Game Rant | English |
03-21-2022 | The Third Season of the Kaguya-sama: Love is War Anime to Get an Advanced Screening in the United States on April 2, 2022 | Lesley’s Anime and Manga Corner | English |
03-17-2022 | 5 Things to Do This Weekend | The New York Times | English |
03-14-2022 | Adams scraps lobbying disclosure | POLITICO | English |
03-14-2022 | Editors’ Picks: 12 Events for Your Art Calendar, From the Return of Asia Week IRL to an Anti-Patriarchy Billboard Blitz | artnet News | English |
03-12-2022 | Waves Across Time: Traditional Dance and Music of Okinawa | Time Out Magazine | English |
03-11-2022 | Woodblock Prints and Hindu Gods at Asia Week New York | The New York Times | English |
03-11-2022 | Woodcuts and Hindu Gods at Asia Week New York | The Bharat Express News | English |
03-09-2022 | A Decade After Disaster, Fukushima Woos Diners to Trust Its Food | Bloomberg | English |
03-07-2022 | March 2022 Dance Calendar – New York Amsterdam News | Head Topics | English |
03-03-2022 | March 2022 Dance Calendar | New York Amsterdam News | English |