Sustainability at the Forefront: Global Japanese Companies’ Initiatives
Business & Policy Live Webinar
Wednesday, May 19, 2021, 7 PM EST
Japan will be fully embracing sustainability for the upcoming Summer Games, contributing to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). However, these goals cannot be realized without meaningful engagement by global companies, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. Global Japanese corporations, in particular, are stepping up to help fight pressing environmental and social issues, with some moving towards zero carbon buildings and others teaming up with nonprofits to protect the oceans and marine life. What are global Japanese companies’ stance on SDGs and how are they contributing to a sustainable and resilient world? In this webinar, international experts and business leaders discuss SDG trends, SDG initiatives by global Japanese companies, and their vision for the future.
David B. Calabrese, Senior Vice President, Government Affairs & Deputy General Manager, Washington, DC Office, Daikin U.S. Corporation
Gill A. Pratt, Chief Scientist and Executive Fellow for Research, Toyota Motor Corporation; Chief Executive Officer, Toyota Research Institute, Inc.; Executive Advisor, Toyota Central R&D Labs, Inc.
Yumi Otsuka, Deputy Chief Sustainability Officer, Toyota Motor Corporation
Jean-Emmanuel Shein, Global Director for Sustainability, UNIQLO USA
Howard Li, Vice President, Environmental & Social Risk Management, Citi; Former Manager, Sustainable Finance, UN Global Compact