Shodo (Japanese Calligraphy)
Shodo (Japanese Calligraphy)
Japanese calligraphy, also known as shodo, is a revered, centuries-old art form and Zen practice which evokes harmony, beauty, and balance. Shodo uses a brush and charcoal ink on paper, wood plaques, and fabric and includes Chinese characters (kanji) and Japanese hiragana. Although it originated in the techniques used for letter writing, with its unique form of expression it has developed into an art genre.
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Current Courses
Spring Shodo (Online)
January 31 – April 4, 2025
These online courses will consist of at-home practice, instructor-student dialogue, and instructor demonstration. Courses for beginners and those with previous experience are offered.
Spring Shodo (In-Person)
January 31 – April 4, 2025
In-person courses for beginners and those with previous experience are offered.
All Courses
Schedule subject to change.
Shodo (during 10-week semester)
Usually offered in the Spring (January- April), Summer (May-August), and Fall (September-December).
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Shodo (during 5-week semester)
Usually offered in the Late Spring (April-May), Late Summer (August-September), and Winter (December-January).
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Shodo Workshop for Beginners
Offered a few times a year.
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Japan Society’s 120th anniversary initiatives and related programs are generously supported by Champion Sponsor, MUFG Bank, Ltd.

Japan Society programs are supported by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature. Support for Japan Society’s Language Center is provided, in part, by Mark F. Goldfield and Mary E. Hatch; Christopher Hong; Steven Giordano and Dr. Bic Kanajorn.