Waku Waku Japanese – Lesson 44: Fun Onomatopoeia

While learning a new language can be a difficult and painstaking process, there are often an abundance of fun new words to learn! Japanese is no exception as it uses very expressive and amusing onomatopoeia called giongo and gitaigo. Ever wondered if there was a word for the sound of your mouth opening and closing when you eat? Well there is! You’re sure to find some Japanese onomatopoeia that will become your favorite!
Onaka ga pekopeko – my stomach is hungry
Pekopeko – (onomatopoeia) hunger
Pakupaku taberu – eat enthusiastically/quickly
Pakupaku – (onomatopoeia) sound of mouth opening and closing
Kinniku morimori – build muscle
Morimori – (onomatopoeia) swelling/abundant
Buyobuyo ni natteshimaimashita – became fat/flabby
Buyobuyo – (onomatopoeia) sound of fat/flabby
Nikoniko – (onomatopoeia) smiling
Niyaniya – (onomatopoeia) grin/smirk
Geragera – (onomatopoeia) laughing heartily
Shikushiku – (onomatopoeia) crying/sobbing/weeping
Mukamuka – (onomatopoeia) angry/irritated/annoyed
Pyonpyon – (onomatopoeia) hopping/skipping
There’s endless amounts of Japanese onomatopoeia, so explore and study more to use when you want to describe numerous situations!
- Nov 01, 2012 at 12:00 am