Waku Waku Japanese – Lesson 19: Response Words
January 25, 2012 - January 25, 2012

Language Lesson past event
In this lesson of Waku Waku Japanese, Konomi teaches some of the basic response words you might encounter during a Japanese conversation. While very basic, they are extremely common, much like their English counterparts
Un (un-un) – uh huh; yeah
Sou nan da / Fuun – I see; ahh
Sou-Sou – right!; yeah!
Hontou – really?
Sou ne – let me see…
So next time you’re in a conversation with friends, try replacing your normal response/listening words with these Japanese ones!
Please stay tuned and subscribe for future episodes!
Jikai mo tanoshimi ni, mata ne!
- Jan 25, 2012 at 12:00 am