Virtual Nihongo Chat + J-Culture: Manga Masutaa ni Narou
Language Center Event
Tuesday, February 23, 7—8:30 PM EST Calculate your local time
PLEASE NOTE: This free event will be conducted online via Zoom. To participate fully, you will need access to a device with internet, microphone, and camera (such as a laptop, smartphone, or tablet). Please note that all times listed are New York time (ET/UTC-05:00). このオンライン語学交換会は「Zoom」というアプリを使って施行されます。事前にスマホ、ダブレット、パソコンのいずれかにアプリのダウンロードをお願い致します。
Join Japanese-language students and native Japanese speakers at this informal virtual language exchange to practice your Japanese. After a short presentation by our J-Culture guest, we will move into breakout rooms grouped by level to chat. Levels include introductory, beginner, intermediate, and advanced. 日本に興味のある人たちや日本語を勉強中の人たちと気軽に会話を楽しみましょう。茶道のパフォーマンスを見学した後で、日本語、英語のレベル別にグループに分かれて語学交換を行います。日本人の方、英語を勉強中の方、ふるってご参加ください!
During this event, guest John Somoza (Drake Tinta) will introduce manga as well as the tools used in the creation process of professional manga making. John-san will also guide us through a quick and easy manga drawing. 今回のJ-cultureでは、John Somoza (ペンネームDrake Tinta)さんに漫画、及び漫画の制作に使用する道具を紹介して頂きます。また、簡単な漫画の描き方も教えて頂きます。
Please have paper and a pencil available. If there is time, we will draw an easy character together. 紙と鉛筆を用意してご参加ください。お時間があれば、簡単なキャラクターを一緒に描いてみましょう。
Admission: This is a free event, with advance RSVP required. Participants must be age 16 or older. 参加費無料。事前のお申し込みが必要です。
Further event details, including the Zoom link, will be sent the morning of the event.
Questions? Please contact [email protected] or (212) 715-1269 or (212) 715-1293.
Virtual Nihongo Chat + J-Culture: Manga Masutaa ni Narou
About the Guest:
John Somoza is a professional manga artist who has been working in the field since 2012. His major works include an ongoing manga-influenced series titled Ninja Express, which can be read on John-san is currently a manga instructor at Japan Society, and looks forward to encouraging and teaching the next generation of artists who are looking to enter the field of manga and comics. John Somoza (ペンネームDrake Tinta)さんは、2012年からプロの漫画家として活動されています。主な作品はNinja Expressです。Comixology.comで読むことができ、物語は現在進行中です。現在は、ジャパン・ソサエティで漫画の講師も務められており、漫画の世界で働くことにを夢見る若い世代へ向けて、漫画を教えたりアドバイスを行っています。
Related Course for Teens:
Manga Workshop: Basics for Aspiring Artists
Please consider making a tax-deductible donation. Your gift enables our continued development of innovative programs, keeping the spirit of arts, culture and language alive.
http://www.localhost:10053/resources/legacy/event/uploaded/images/jfla_132.png |
Support for Japan Society’s Language Center is provided, in part, by The New York Community Trust.
- Tuesday, February 23, 2021
- 7:00 pm