Uki Uki NihonGO! Lesson 35 – Common Mistakes 2

Previously, the "Common Mistakes 1" in the Lesson 6 video discussed how not to address someone using あなた (anata).
Today, we’re going to look at the common problem involving adjective rules. A full explanation is available in the Lesson 30 video.
Japanese has い adjective and な adjective groups, which follow separate rules. Confusing them sounds grammatically incorrect and awkward. Let’s learn the correct ways to use them.
Here are some example sentences. Can you spot the mistakes?
Yesterday’s dinner was so delicious.
昨日の晩ご飯はすごくおいしいでした。(Kinou no bangohan wa sugoku oishii deshita.)
The movie "Jungle Book" was interesting.
"Jungle Book"の映画は面白いでした。(Janguru bukku no eiga wa omoshiroi deshita.)
My Japan trip was very good.
日本旅行はとてもいいでした。(Nihon ryokou wa totemo ii deshita.)
The problem is the past tense of い adjective sentences. The correct use is 〜かったです instead of でした:
昨日の晩ご飯はすごくおいしかったです。(Kinou no bangohan wa sugoku oishikatta desu.)
"Jungle Book"の映画は面白かったです。(Janguru bukku no eiga wa omoshirokatta desu.)
日本旅行はとても良かったです。(Nihon ryokou wa totemo yokatta desu.)
How about these?
Today’s homework is not difficult.
今日の宿題は難しいじゃないです。(Kyou no shukudai wa muzukashii janai desu.)
That restaurant isn’t too expensive.
あのレストランはあまり高いじゃないです。(Ano resutoran wa amari takai janai desu.)
My teacher is not scary.
先生は怖いくないです。(Sensei wa kowaikunai desu.)
It’s not cold today.
今日は寒いくないです。(Kyou wa samuikunai desu.)
To correct these, you need to drop the final い and put くないです for the present negative of い adjectives:
今日の宿題は難しくないです。(Kyou no shukudai wa muzukashikunai desu.)
あのレストランはあまり高くないです。(Ano resutoran wa amari takakunai desu.)
先生は怖くないです。(Sensei wa kowakunai desu.)
今日は寒くないです。(Kyou wa samukunai desu.)
Be careful when you use adjectives in Japanese to avoid these common mistakes.
- May 4, 2016 – May 4, 2016