Uki Uki NihonGO + Culture! – Lesson 28 – Baseball

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Baseball has grown in popularity throughout the world, especially in Japan and Korea. To help prepare you for Japan Society’s upcoming performance "God Bless Baseball", here’s a basic primer on baseball vocabulary in English, Japanese and Korean!
This Uki Uki video is created in conjunction with Japan Society’s theatrical presentation of God Bless Baseball on January 14-17, 2016, which is performed in English, Japanese and Korean.
E: baseball
J: 野球(やきゅう) yakyuu
K: 야구 yagu
E: game
J: 試合(しあい) shiai
K: 시합 sihab
E: ballpark
J: 球場(きゅうじょう) kyuujou
K: 구장 gujang
E: infield
J: 内野(ないや) naiya
K: 내야 naeya
E: outfield
J: 外野(がいや) gaiya
K: 외야 oeya
E: home plate
J: 本塁(ほんるい)・ホーム honrui, ho-mu
K: 본루 bonru
E: umpire
J: 審判(しんぱん) shinpan
K: 심판 shimpan
E: catcher
J: 捕手(ほしゅ) hoshu
K: 포수 posu
E: pitcher
J: 投手(とうしゅ) toushu
K: 투수 toosu
E: shortstop
J: 遊撃手(ゆうげきしゅ) ・ショート yuugekishu, sho-to
K: 유격수 yugeoksu
E: walk
J: 四球(しきゅう)・フォアボール shikyuu, foabo-ru
K: 사구/포볼 sagu, poebal
E: 1st, 2nd, 3rd base
J: 一塁(いちるい)・二塁(にるい)・三塁(さんるい) ichirui, nirui, sanrui
K: 1루, 2루, 3루 1 roo, 2 roo, 3 roo
E: top of the 1st, bottom of the 1st
J: 一回(いっかい)表(おもて)・裏(うら) ikkai omote, ikkai ura
K: 1회초, 1말 1 hoe cho, 1 hoe mal
E: home run
J: ホームラン Ho-mu ran
K: 홈런 homleon
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Music by: Soichiro Migita
- January 13, 2016 – January 13, 2016