The U.S.-Japan Alliance & Building Security Relations with China

February 27, 2002
past event image
past event

Evening Panel Discussion

Read the Event Summary.

Enhancing the U.S.-Japan alliance and pursuing constructive engagement with China are two policies at the heart of preserving stability in the Asia-Pacific region. While Washington and Tokyo follow these approaches, lack of coordination between the U.S. and Japan on China policy has the potential to provoke discord rather than harmony between the two allies. A panel of foreign policy experts explores how the U.S. and Japan can improve security policy regarding China, including such thorny issues as Taiwan and missile defense, in order to build a durable bilateral framework for integrating China into the regional security order.

Followed by a reception.

Masahiro Akiyama, Chairman, Ship & Ocean Foundation; former Administrative Vice Minister, Japan Defense Agency
Harry Harding, Dean, Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University
Derek Mitchell, Senior Fellow, International Security Program, Center for Strategic and International Studies
Mike Mochizuki, Associate Professor of Political Science and International Affairs, George Washington University
Koji Murata, Associate Professor of Diplomatic History, Doshisha University
Benjamin Self, Senior Associate, Henry L. Stimson Center
Chris Twomey, Fellow, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, Harvard University

William Clark, Jr.,
President, Japan Society

Tickets: $10, Japan Society members $8 and seniors, students $5.

  • Wednesday, February 27, 2002
  • 6:30 pm