The Last Ronin

2010. 133 min., 35 mm, in Japanese with English subtitles.
Directed by Shigemichi Sugita. With Koji Yakusho, Koichi Sato, Nanami Sakuraba, Nizaemon Kataoka, Narumi Yasuda, Koji Yamamoto, Yoshi Oida, Jun Fubuki, Kunie Tanaka, Masato Ibu.
“Yakusho does his usual excellent job…newcomer Yasuda glows…” – Mark Schilling, The Japan Times
The latest update on the most popular samurai story of all times — that is, until Keanu Reeves and his gang blockbust it next year (a Warner version is in the works). Sixteen years after 47 ronin (masterless samurai) made history by avenging their lord’s death in a heroic raid and then committing ritual suicide, the sole survivor of the tragedy, Kichiemon Terasaka (Koichi Sato) travels the land on a mission to find the families of the fallen warriors. He unexpectedly comes across his close and long-time friend Magozaemon Senoo (Koji Yakusho) who ran away the day before the ronin uprising, betraying his comrades. Disguised as a merchant, he lives deep in a forest, protecting a secret so grave he even draws his sword against his old comrade, Terasaka Kichiemon.
Part of Japan Cuts 2011: The New York Festival of Contemporary Japanese Cinema
$12/$9 (members, students and seniors)
Buy Tickets Online or call the Japan Society Box Office at (212) 715-1258, Mon. – Fri. 11 am – 6 pm, Weekends 11 am – 5 pm.
Purchase more than 5 tickets for at least 5 different films and receive $2 off of each ticket! Special offer available only at Japan Society Box Office or by telephone at (212) 715-1258. Offer not available online.
- Tuesday, July 12, 2011
- 9:00 pm