The 2001 Global Wireless and Internet Summit

June 5, 2001
past event image
past event

Tuesday & Wednesday, June 5 & 6
Two-Day Conference

With the Japanese launch of 3G in October, the transition to next-generation mobile technology in Europe, and the Internet and wireless consolidation in the U.S., 2001 is a critical year for businesses aiming to create global development strategies. Exploring the businesses and initiatives poised to lead the next phase of growth in wireless, Internet and financial services, The 2001 Global Wireless and Internet Summit provides a unique forum for top executives from Japan, Europe and the U.S. to network, collaborate and learn about the latest competitive challenges.

Confirmed speakers include:
Tomihisa Kamada
, Executive Vice President and CTO, Access Co., Ltd.
David Eastman, VP, M-Business,
Michael Lynton, President, AOL International
Benson Margulies, CTO, Basis Technology
Todd Weissman, VP, Sales and Marketing, Casio
Ron Insana, Anchor, CNBC
Hiroshi (Ross) Miyamoto, General Partner, Japan Representative, Constellation Ventures/Bear Stearns
John Hobbs, Chief Information Architect, Ericsson
Commissioner Harold W. Furchtgott-Roth, Federal Communications Commission
Takao Toshishige, CEO, eTranslate KK, Japan
Joseph Kim, Deputy Chairman, President and CEO, ICG Asia
Aymerik Y. C. Renard, Partner, Inovacom
Tadashi Onodera, Executive Vice President, KDDI
Fabrice Sergent, CEO, T-Online France, Lagardere Active
Ikuo Nishioka, President & CEO, Mobile Internet Capital, Inc.
Oki Matsumoto, President and CEO, Monex
Bohdan Pyskir, General Manager, Mobile Shopping Group, Motorola
Gerard Thery, Founder, Minitel; Former CEO, France Telecom; General Partner, Next Stage Ventures
Takashi Tanemura, Vice President, Electronic Media Department, Nihon Keizai Shimbun
Paul Chellgren, Senior Vice President, Business Development, Nokia
Rich Miner, Vice President, Orange Imagineering
Beverly Chell, Head of International, General Counsel, Primemedia
Koichi Takahashi, Vice President, Sanyo Fisher Company
Jonathan Epstein, Director of Strategic Planning, Softbank Corp.


June 5 – Day One
8:30 am Registration, Breakfast & Networking
9:00Morning Keynote Address
10:00 3G: Bigger Profits or Unacceptable Risks?
11:15 Can the Japanese Mobile Model Work Globally?
12:15 pmLunch
1:15 Afternoon Keynote Address
2:15 Will Europe Replicate the GSM Model with UMTS?
3:15 Where is the Real Opportunity for VCs in the EU?
4:15 Can the U.S. Catch Up in the Wireless Race?
5:30 Evening Keynote Address
6:30 Reception
8:30 Dinner
 June 6 – Day Two
8:30 am Breakfast & Networking
9:00 Morning Keynote Address
10:00 Building a Successful Global Internet Brand
11:15 Who Pays? Mobile Content Revenue Models
12:15 pm Lunch
1:15 Afternoon Keynote Address
2:15 Applications, Technologies & the Customer
3:15 Mobile Advertising & Commerce
4:30 Where is the Real Opportunity for VCs in Asia?
5:30 Evening Keynote Address
6:30 Reception

Registration fee (includes breakfasts, lunches and evening events): $999. Japan Society members $800.

  • Tuesday, June 5, 2001
  • 8:30 am