SOLD OUT Japan’s Economic Recovery: Another False Start?

April 26, 2005
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past event

Corporate Luncheon Panel Discussion
Tuesday, April 26
12 noon – 2:30 pm

Click here to watch a video of this program.

Only a few short months ago, Japanese growth was so high that some bold forecasters talked about the Japanese economy growing at 3 to 4 percent for several years to come. Today, Japan is in the midst of a “pause” that has so far produced two consecutive quarters of zero growth. Optimists, including the Japanese government, say the “pause” is merely a short interruption in a steadily strengthening recovery. Others say that the “pause” is a sign that Japan faces at least a few more years of lackluster growth. Join this panel of economic pundits for a variety of perspectives on what the future holds for Japan’s economy.

Richard Katz, Editor-in-Chief, The Oriental Economist Report
Jeff Young, Head of Currency Research Economic and Market Analysis, Citigroup
David Malpass, Chief Economist, Bear Stearns & Co., Inc. 

Leslie Norton, Asia Editor, Barron’s

12-12:30 pm Registration & reception
12:30-1 Luncheon
1-2  Lecture

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  • Tuesday, April 26, 2005
  • 12:00 pm