Perspectives on APEC: Singapore 2009, Yokohama 2010 and Beyond

October 6, 2009
past event image
past event

On the eve of the 2009 APEC Summit meeting in Singapore, Hidehiko Nishiyama, Director-General for Trade Policy, METI and SOM Chair of the APEC summit to be hosted in Japan in 2010, highlights issues to be discussed at the summit and challenges to be met. Among these, Mr. Nishiyama cites three pillars on which economic growth and prosperity in the region depend: proliferation of FTAs among APEC member countries, achieving sustainable growth throughout the region, and impediments to growth in Asia such as social instability and security concerns. Mr. Nishiyama also shares his views on trade policies and approach to international cooperation within the Obama administration and remarks on the influence the U.S. and Japan will have on framing the debate leading to the 2010 APEC summit in Yokohama.
Hidehiko Nishiyama
, Director-General for Trade Policy, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

Merit E. Janow
, Professor, International Economic Law and International Affairs, School of International and Public Affairs & Co-Director, APEC Study Center, Columbia University; Director, Japan Society

8-8:30 am Registration & breakfast buffet
8:30-9:30 Lecture and Q&A


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8:00-8:30       受付・朝食ビュッフェ
8:30-10:00       パネル討論会


お問い合わせはジャパン・ソサエティー法人会員事業部まで:[email protected]、212-715-1208


  • Tuesday, October 6, 2009
  • 8:00 am