New Developments in U.S. Employment & Immigration Law

December 8, 2004
past event image
past event

CLE Breakfast Seminar
Wednesday, December 8
8:30 – 11 am

We are no longer accepting advance registrations for this event, although seats are still available. To register, please call Tomoko Okuno at (212) 715-1247 or e-mail [email protected].

Japanese-owned companies operating in the United States are subject to an increasingly complex array of laws and regulations governing the workplace. This seminar covers key developments in labor and employment law, employee benefits law, and business immigration law, and addresses steps that Japanese companies in the U.S. can take to avoid or defeat costly employee workplace law claims. New legal challenges include Sarbanes-Oxley and other whistleblowing claims, Homeland Security issues, COBRA regulations, revised overtime pay rules, workplace investigation notice obligations, and recent decisions on sexual harassment, dishonest executives, discrimination, retaliation, restrictive covenants and trade secrets.

Note to Attorneys: Thelen Reid & Priest LLP is an accredited provider of Continuing Legal Education (“CLE”) in New York State. This seminar is approved for two hours of CLE credit (1.5 hours of general credit and 0.5 hours of ethics credit). Thelen Reid & Priest LLP provides assistance to those with financial hardship who wish to attend these briefings. Please submit requests for assistance with an explanation to Daniel S. Braverman, Esq., at (212) 603-6589.

Elizabeth A. Alcorn, Partner, Thelen Reid & Priest LLP
Michael S. Elkin, Partner, Thelen Reid & Priest LLP
Merrick T. Rossein, Professor of Law & Former Acting Dean, The City University of New York School of Law at Queens College
Alice B. Stock, Partner, Thelen Reid & Priest LLP

Charles H. Kaplan, Partner, Thelen Reid & Priest LLP

8:30 – 9 am     Registration & breakfast
9 -11 am   Seminar

Admission: Corporate members are entitled to a designated number of free admissions to this event, based on their company’s current membership level. These reservations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the event. Additional corporate registrants pay the discounted corporate member rate of $20. Nonmember admission: $35.

For more information, please contact Tomoko Okuno at (212) 715-1247 or [email protected]

  • Wednesday, December 8, 2004
  • 8:30 am