Mail Art Workshop for Teens

RELATED EXHIBITIONRadicalism in the Wilderness: Japanese Artists in the Global 1960sMarch 8—June 9, 2019 |
High School Students (Ages 14+)
Thursday, May 16 at 4:30 PM & 5:45 PM
This free workshop is part of the citywide initiative #TeenArtsWeek, May 13–19.
Students will engage in an interactive tour of our current exhibition, Radicalism in the Wilderness: Japanese Global Artists in the 1960s, exploring how Japanese artists in the 1960s responded to the social, political and cultural issues of the decade. Students will consider how these artists expanded the definition of “visual art” through performance, mail art, land art, and political art.
Afterwards, drawing on their experience, students will create mail art with a contemporary message of their own, in a workshop that combines personal creativity with conviction!
For more information or to make a reservation, please visit
This program is part of our Japan in the Global 1960s series.
- Thursday, May 16, 2019
- 5:45 pm