Lessons from a Social Entrepreneur – Using Business Methods to Solve Homelessness & Revitalize Communities

After graduating college, Rosanne Haggerty worked as a volunteer at a church to help homeless people. When she realized her volunteer work was not going to solve homelessness, she came up with an idea. What about renovating the dilapidated hotel in Times Square and offering affordable housing to homeless people and providing them with healthcare and employment opportunities?

Today Common Ground Community, the organization she founded, provides 2000 housing units to formerly homeless and low-income people. Times Square, where she established one of the first residences for homeless people, has transformed itself dramatically in recent years. The homeless population decreased by 87 percent. Common Ground played an important role in making the area safer and revitalizing the community.

How did Haggerty, who had neither a business background nor assets when she started out, accomplish such outstanding results?

Come hear her talk about how she learned to use business skills and strategies to build her vision as a social entrepreneur for solving homelessness. Followed by a reception.

3,000 yen, General; 1,000 yen, Students

This event will be held at Shinsei Bank’s Head Office, 20th floor, 2-1-8 Uchisaiwai-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo.
Map: http://www.shinseibank.com/investors/en/about/company/head_office.html

To register* for the event, please click the following link:

*The registration page is in Japanese. If you need assistance in English, please contact Fumiko Miyamoto at [email protected].

We will close online registration on August 31. However, if we reach full capacity prior to that date, we will close registration immediately.

This event is part of the U.S.-Japan Innovators Network. For more information on the U.S. Japan Innovators Network, please visit the U.S.-Japan Innovators Network site.
