Kadokawa & The Shaping of Japanese Popular Culture

December 17, 2016
past event image
past event

Flamboyant and eccentric, Haruki Kadokawa transformed the film and media industry by marketing his films through what he called "media mix." From Haruki’s wildly successful entry into film production to the turn towards marketing idols and his spectacular self-promotion, Kadokawa films created the template for the postmodern, anything-goes Japanese pop culture of the 1980s. Later, his brother Tsuguhiko radicalized the media mix model by changing the very way media is consumed. In this free talk, series curator Alexander Zahlten introduces some key moments in Kadokawa’s shaping of Japanese popular culture from the 1970s to today.

Approx. 60 min. This event is free with the purchase of a ticket to any film in the series. Seating is limited. Ticketholders will be accommodated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Part of Pop! Goes Cinema: Kadokawa Film & 1980s Japan.

  • Saturday, December 17, 2016
  • 5:00 pm