Japanese Films at the 2005 Tribeca Film Festival

Infection (Kansen)
Directed by Masayuki Ochiai
Section: Midnight, Feature Narrative, (98 min)
North American Premiere
Death is “just a breath away” in this horror film from Japan that is set in a horrifying hospital whose overworked staff is busy covering up their own malpractice until one patient exhibits gruesome, and deadly, symptoms – and then disappears.
Friday, April 22 at 11:30 pm in Regal 03
Sunday, April 24 at 11:00 pm in Regal 04
Wednesday, April 27 at 11:00 pm in Regal 04
Friday, April 29 at 11:15 pm in Regal 10
Premonition (Yogen)
Directed by Norio Tsuruta
Section: Midnight, Feature Narrative (95 min)
North American Premiere
This Japanese horror film was created by a director of one of the influential original Ring films. This time the malevolent maguffin is not vicious videotape, but a mysterious newspaper that predicts deaths, beginning with the daughter of the story’s protagonist. Premonition is based on a popular Japanese manga (comic book).
Saturday, April 23 at 11:45 pm in Regal 01
Monday, April 25 at 10:00 pm in Regal 06
Thursday, April 28 at 10:30 pm in Regal 07
Saturday, April 30 at 11:30 pm in Regal 03
Directed by Yoichi Sai
Section: Tribeca Family Festival, Feature Narrative, (100 min)
New York Premiere
This feature follows a golden retriever’s service-filled odyssey from birth to working guide dog. Quill is assigned to Mr. Watanabe, who initially rebuffs being led by a canine. But the puppy shines in repeated tests of diligence and concentration, and eventually wins over his master the same as he charms us. Sai directs his leading mutt impressively, creating a heartfelt tale of companionship. In Japanese with English subtitles (Ages 7+)
Saturday, April 23 at 3:45 pm in Regal 09
Monday, April 25 at 2:45 pm in Regal11
Sunday, May 1 at 6:15 pm in Regal 01
Please check www.tribecafilmfestival.org for more information or updates (times and venues are subject to change.)
Theater addresses
Regal Cinemas
102 North End Avenue (at Vesey Street)
Pace University Michael Schimmel Center for the Arts (PACE)
1 Pace Plaza (on Spruce Street between Park Row and Gold Street)
Scholastic Theater (SCHOL) (Venue for Family Films only)
557 Broadway
Stuyvesant High School (SHS)
345 Chambers Street (at North End Avenue)
Tribeca Performing Arts Center (TPAC)
199 Chambers Street (between Greenwich and West Streets)
Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memory to the Holocaust (MJH)
36 Battery Place (Next to Piers at Battery Park)
Tribeca Cinemas (TC)
54 Varick Street (Below Canal Street, at Laight Street)
Tribeca Film Center (TFC)
375 Greenwich Street, 2nd Floor (between Franklin and North Moore Streets)
Tribeca Grand (TG)
2 Avenue of the Americas (between White and Walker Streets)
- April 22, 2005 – May 1, 2005