Japan in the Pacific War and World War II

February 19, 2008
past event image
past event

9 am – 4 pm

30-hour professional development course in cooperation with NYC Department of Education

Japan’s role in war from 1932-1945 influenced the course of World History and culture. Through the prisms of political and cultural history, as well as literature and the arts, this course examines both how the war affected life inside Japan as well as how Japan’s actions during this period impacted lives of people throughout the globe. Aimed at Junior High School and High School teachers, the course will cover a wide variety of topics, including Japanese imperialism during the war, military and political history, life on the home front during the war, and the war as expressed through literature, art, and film. Emphasis will be placed on methods of teaching the war, including integrating teaching about Japan’s role in the war within the context of the U.S. history curriculum.

Lecturers include:

Scott O’Bryan – Assistant Professor, East Asian Languages, Cultures & History, Indiana University
Antonia Levi – Associate Professor Japanese History and Modern East Asia, Portland State University
Michael A. Barnhart – Distinguished Teaching Professor, Department of History, SUNY Stonybrook
Samuel Yamashita – Henry E. Sheffield Professor of History – Pomona College

To register, download the registration form (PDF) or call (212) 715-1203.

  • February 19, 2008 – February 23, 2008