Japan: From Kamikaze Capitalism to Smartpower Dynamism

May 29, 2009 - May 29, 2009
past event image
Corporate Program past event

Left to right: Jesper Koll, Alicia Ogawa.

Japan has what it takes to emerge a winner from the global crisis — a powerful technology base, low financial leverage, huge savings and a diligent labor force that can easily compete with almost any global competitor. Against this, a massive fiscal deficit, adverse demographics and fragmented policy-making threaten to ensnare Japan in domestic stagnation. Which force will win? Where are the industries and companies that will take the lead? Can domestic demand become a driver of growth? How can your company benefit from the emerging global economic order and Japan’s force in it? Former chief economist for JP Morgan and Merrill in Japan and long-time Japan analyst and strategist Jesper Koll offers his perspectives.

Jesper Koll
, President & CEO; Tantallon Research Japan KK

Alicia Ogawa
, Adjunct Associate Professor, Columbia University School of International Affairs; Senior Advisor, Center on Japanese Economy and Business, Columbia Business School

12-12:30 pm Registration & reception
12:30-1 Luncheon
1-2 Lecture and Q&A

Admission: Corporate members are entitled to a designated number of free admissions to this event, based on their company’s current membership level. These reservations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the event. Additional corporate registrants and Japan Society individual members at the Patron Circle level and above pay the discounted corporate member rate of $45 for lunch and lecture, $10 for lecture only. Nonmember admission: $65 for lunch and lecture, $15 lecture only. The academic and government admission rate is $30 for the luncheon and $10 for lecture only. When payment is required, prepayment must be made, or registration secured, with a credit card. All registrations and cancellations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the event. Substitutions are welcome.

For information only, please contact the Corporate Program at 212-715-1208.

  • May 29, 2009 at 12:00 pm