Ame to Ame (Candy and Rain)

October 17, 2009
past event image
Performance past event

Cutting edge… chic and beautiful and surprising for the audience.
Radio Berlin Brandenburg

[lova-Koga and Kaseki are the] Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire of Butoh.
San Francisco Bay Guardian

From the San Francisco/Berlin-based inkBoat and Berlin’s cokaseki comes the twisted and romantic hybrid butoh­dance piece Ame to Ame (Candy and Rain). Shinichi Iova-Koga, the part-Japanese founder of inkBoat, and long­time collaborator Yuko Kaseki of cokaseki, a Berlin-based Japanese butoh artist, throw themselves into this duet directed and designed by cokaseki’s Marc Ates. Winner of the 2005 “Best Ensemble Performance” award from the Isadora Duncan Dance Committee, Ame to Ame follows two powerful performers as they navigate their way through a sweet and philosophical love story, moving between suspension and manic struggle, from childlike play to sexual prowess.


$18/$15 Japan Society Members

Buy Tickets Online or call the Japan Society Box Office at (212) 715-1258, Mon. – Fri. 11 am – 6 pm, Weekends 11 am – 5 pm.

Part of the
Fall 2009 Performing Arts Season: Japan Transatlantic: Tokio-Berlin.


Butoh workshops with Yuko Kaseki
Intensive: October 23 – 31 (Day off Oct. 27)
Introductory Workshop: November 6, 7 & 8

Part of the 2009 CAVE New York Butoh Festival
Both sessions take place at CAVE: 58 Grand Street, Williamsburg Brooklyn

These workshops are co-presented by Japan Society.

  • Saturday, October 17, 2009
  • 7:30 pm