High Hurdles: The Airbus Challenge in Japan
Corporate Luncheon
Thursday, October 26
12 – 2 pm
Read the Event Summary.
Glen S. Fukushima, President and Chief Executive Officer, Airbus Japan K.K.
Richard Wood, Interim President, Japan Society, Inc.
When Airbus, the European aircraft manufacturer, announced in February 2005 that Glen S. Fukushima would head its operations in Japan, it was stating in unequivocal terms the firm’s decision to compete seriously in the Japanese market. Mr. Fukushima brings to this formidable task 40 years of academic, legal, government, and business experience in U.S.-Japan relations as well as contacts in the Japanese leadership built over years of representing U.S. corporate interests in Japan and heading the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan. While Airbus has sold more aircraft worldwide than Boeing in each of the past five years, a variety of political and economic factors have led to Japan being the only major market in the world where Boeing maintains a virtual monopoly. Mr. Fukushima will discuss Airbus as a truly global corporation, its plans to strengthen partnerships with Japanese airlines and manufacturers, and its intent to implement in Japan strategies that have been successful in other markets.
12 -12:30 pm Registration & reception
12:30 – 1 Luncheon
1 – 2 Lecture
Admission: Corporate members are entitled to a designated number of free admissions to this event, based on their company’s current membership level. These reservations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the event. Additional corporate registrants and Japan Society individual members at the Patron level and above pay the discounted corporate member rate of $45 for lunch and lecture, $10 for lecture only. Nonmember admission: $65 for lunch and lecture, $15 lecture only. The academic and government admission rate is $30 for the luncheon and $10 for lecture only. When payment is required, prepayment must be made, or registration secured, with a credit card. All registrations and cancellations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the event. Substitutions are welcome.
- Thursday, October 26, 2006
- 12:00 pm