GLOBAL AFFAIRS DISTINGUISHED LECTURER SERIES Security Challenges Facing Japan & the United States
Evening Lecture
Wednesday, May 5
6:30 – 8 pm
Read the Event Summary.
The Honorable William S. Cohen, Chairman & CEO, The Cohen Group; 20th Secretary of Defense
Ronald Brownstein, National Political Correspondent, Los Angeles Times
William S. Cohen, 20th Secretary of Defense, gives his views on the direction of American foreign policy in the Middle East and elsewhere, and discusses the roles Japan and the U.S.-Japan alliance can play in confronting security challenges in the international arena.
Secretary Cohen is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The Cohen Group. He served as Secretary of Defense from 1997 to 2001. During his tenure, Secretary Cohen held substantive meetings with foreign leaders in over 60 countries. A published author of nine works of nonfiction, fiction and poetry, a futurist with degrees in classical Latin and Greek, and the son of a working-class immigrant who rose to the highest levels in government, it was natural for the Christian Science Monitor to call him “a true Renaissance Man.”
Followed by a reception.
Admission: Corporate members are entitled to a designated number of free admissions to this event, based on their company’s current membership level, and can order tickets by contacting Ellie Montazeri at (212) 715-1247 or [email protected]. These reservations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the event. Additional corporate members and individual members pay the discounted rate of $8. Nonmembers: $10. Students and seniors: $5.
- Wednesday, May 5, 2004
- 6:30 pm