Fusion Fashion: Hanae Mori Style

June 14, 2002
past event image
past event

No one has bridged the cultural divide in fashion with more skill and subtlety than Hanae Mori, whose work continues to express an ongoing dialogue between Japanese tradition and French couture. Since first opening an haute couture showroom in Paris in 1977, she has actively pursued the interaction of East-West aesthetic values through her collections and costume design for operas and musicals. Mme. Mori discusses her pioneering work with Andrew Bolton, Associate Curator, The Costume Institute at The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Followed by a reception and booksigning.

Tickets: $10, Japan Society & Fashion Group International (FGI) members & seniors $8, students $5.


  • Friday, June 14, 2002
  • 12:00 am