From Sashimi to Seaweed: The Japanese Way with Fish & Sea Foods

December 7, 2002
past event image
past event

As an island nation surrounded by water, Japan has relied on ocean resources for centuries. The major role that the ocean plays in Japan impacts all aspects of daily life, and the Japanese diet consists of a large variety of fresh sea foods, from fish and shellfish to flavor-enhancing kelp, briny sea herbs and sweet sea lettuces. Featuring culinary professionals and historians, anthropologists, nutritionists and marine biologists, this symposium explores the cultural, economic, culinary and nutritional significance of the oceans in Japan and other parts of Asia.

Tickets (box lunch included): $45, Japan Society, Slow Food USA & National Audubon Society members & seniors $40, students $20.

10 amWelcome and Introduction
William Clark, Jr., President, Japan Society
10:10Seafood in the Japanese and Asian Culinary Tradition
Naomichi Ishige, Director, Osaka Museum of Ethnology

Rites of the Sea
Charlotte Anderson and Gorazd Vilhar, independent scholars and authors of Matsuri: The World of Japanese Festivals and Gracious Gifts: Japan’s Sacred Offerings

11:50Exploring the Ocean’s Pantry
Elizabeth Andoh, Journalist, Lecturer and Business Consultant
12:30Q & A
1 pmLunch Break (box lunch will be served)

The Health Benefits of Sea Weeds and Vegetables
Hiroko Sho, Okinawa-based nutrition expert; and Director, Okinawa Study Center, University of the Air, University of the Ryukyus

2:55In Pursuit of Raw Fish: A Sushi Chef’s Perspective
Naomichi Yasuda, chef, Sushi Yasuda, in conversation with Scott Rosenberg, co-owner of Sushi Yasuda
3:35Culture and Trade at Tsukiji: The World’s Largest Fishmarket
Theodore Bestor, Professor of Anthropology, Harvard University
4:15World Fisheries and the Role of Japan
Carl Safina, Vice President for Marine Conservation, National Audubon Society
4:55Q & A

  • Saturday, December 7, 2002
  • 10:00 am