Coping with the Problem Employee: Legalities, Ethics & Solutions

Breakfast Seminar & CLE Program
8:30 – 10 am
The problems attendant to managing difficult employees can lead to legal liability for a corporation. This issue has particular application to corporations with diverse cultures and national origins. Further, difficulties with a single employee may be a clue that problems exist on a broader scale. This seminar addresses methods of managing difficult employees, with an emphasis on avoiding legal liability. In addition to practical advice on how to document, discipline and terminate difficult employees, participants will be provided with insights on non-confrontational alternatives to progressive discipline. The seminar discusses organizational concerns that may be signaled by these problems, and also explores ethical issues facing counsel advising on these matters.
Philip M. Berkowitz, Employment Law Partner, New York Law Office of Seyfarth Shaw
William P. Perkins, Employment Law Partner, New York Law Office of Seyfarth Shaw
Jane Cotton Novak, Counsel, The Bank of Tokyo – Mitsubishi, Ltd.
Byron Woollen, Founder, Worklab Consulting
Seyfarth Shaw has been certified by the New York State Continuing Legal Educational Board as an Accredited Provider of continuing legal education in the State of New York. This seminar is approved for 1.5 hours of credit for experienced attorneys.
Tickets: $35; academic rate also available.
Corporate members are entitled to a designated number of free admissions to this event, based on their current membership level. These reservations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the event. Additional corporate registrants pay the discounted corporate member rate of $20.
Includes continental breakfast.
- Tuesday, December 10, 2002
- 8:30 am