Contemporary Dance Festival: Japan + East Asia

Friday, January 4, 7:30 PM — Followed by a MetLife Meet-the-Artists Reception
Saturday, January 5, 7:30 PM
Please Note: Both performances are SOLD OUT. A waitlist will begin at the Box Office one hour prior to the start of each performance. Being on the waitlist does not guarantee admission.
This year’s festival (formerly known as the Contemporary Dance Showcase) continues with three revelatory and robust works from three countries. From Japan, Mitsutake Kasai performs butoh master Akira Kasai’s legendary piece Pollen Revolution. Hailed as “energetic and altogether wonderfully human” two decades ago, Sr. Kasai choreographs a revival of this eclectic dance for his son. From Taiwan, choreographed by emerging star Kuan-Hsiang Liu, Kids is a tribute to death and the choreographer’s mother. Performed to voice recordings of Liu with his mother during her fight against cancer, this modern-day grief ritual is full of idiosyncratic motion and moments of serenity. From Korea, Silver Knife by Goblin Party delves into conflicting portrayals of female identity through the eloquently crafted movements of four women.
Tickets: $30/$25 members
Tickets can be purchased online, or by visiting/calling the Box Office at (212) 715-1258.
Special thanks to Korea Dance Abroad for advising the presentation of Goblin Party.
Images: Silver Knife © Jusung Lee; Pollen Revolution © Hiroyasu Daido; Kids © Etang Chen
- Friday, January 4, 2019
- 7:30 pm