Compliance Considerations: Potential Pitfalls for Foreign Companies Operating in the U.S.

Corporate Breakfast
Philippa Girling, Director, Global Co-Head of Operational Risk Management, Nomura Holdings America
Marian Ladner, Member of the Firm, Head of International Trade Practice, Epstein Becker Green Wickliff & Hall
Michael Levine, Member of the Firm, Head of CSR/Sustainability Practice. Epstein Becker & Green P.C.
Hajime Matsuura, U.S. Correspondent, NIKKEI
Foreign companies who establish business operations in the United States face a host of U.S. laws and regulations with which they must comply. While there have been instances in which foreign companies willfully ignore U.S. law, failure to comply is often an issue of awareness – companies are either not properly educated with regard to compliance issues or do not keeping pace with changing laws. Corporate compliance liabilities have exponentially increased over the past few years and instituting a robust compliance program is critical for success. This panel seeks to highlight areas in which foreign companies generally and Japanese firms specifically need to be aware to avoid running afoul of U.S. law. Topics covered include FCPA and similar anticorruption and antibribery statutes; unknowing cooperation with unsanctioned boycotts; deemed exports; Basel II operational risk requirements; SOX compliance; accounting and securities fraud; and fraud risk assessment best practices.
8:00 – 8:30 am Registration & buffet breakfast
8:30 – 10:00 Panel discussion and Q&A
Admission: This is a free event. However, you must register in advance in order to confirm your seat for the lecture. To register for this event, please use the "Register" button above or send an email to [email protected].
For information only, please contact Tomoko Okuno at 212-715-1247.
This program is sponsored by Epstein Becker & Green P.C.
- Friday, May 9, 2008
- 8:00 am